Today I am joined by the wonderful Heather Abbott. Heather shares with us her life’s passion of helping heart-centred people become amongst the wealthy. Through her many years of experience as an accountant, Heather helps people work through their money mindset blocks and take control of their finances. She also shares with me her journey through and the ending of a traumatic relationship with a narcissist. Heather discusses why we stay in difficult relationships, how narcissists are actors who will put on a role to keep you and the resources out there to get help. You are not in this alone. Listen in to Heather’s impactful story.

About our guest: 

Heather’s mission is to assist heart centered entrepreneurs to take their place amongst the wealthy so we can “up-level” the world.

She has spent decades as a CPA, financial advisor, mindset worker and entrepreneur.  

She shares this expertise and her innate magic to help you make friends with your finances and guide you to true prosperity.

“I have overcome a 25 year marriage where I didn’t believe I was abused, but a week after I moved out, he shot himself in front of me. As I ran away I stopped and looked back to see if he had faked it. It was still another 4 months before I realized I had been severely mentally abused. “I now embrace my magical self and help others. website podcast



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Anna Maydonova:

I know you, you're afraid to speak up.

Anna Maydonova:

You're scared of what other people think of you. And you

Anna Maydonova:

blame yourself for what happened to you. I know how it feels.

Anna Maydonova:

Because I've been there. If you found me, I'm so grateful you

Anna Maydonova:

are here. This podcast will give you hope. And I'm your host in a

Anna Maydonova:

made ANOVA. And I'm going to hold your hand and provide the

Anna Maydonova:

guidance. It's time for you to find your why. And turn your

Anna Maydonova:

experience into your biggest power. This is your time now. So

Anna Maydonova:

lock your door, put your headphones in, and enjoy.

Anna Maydonova:

Heather Everett, welcome to the world's best Trauma Recovery

Anna Maydonova:


Heather Abbott:

It's a pleasure to be here. You're quite an

Heather Abbott:

amazing person.

Anna Maydonova:

Thank you. Thank you, Heather. I would like to

Anna Maydonova:

start off with a tricky question. Okay. Yeah, Heather,

Anna Maydonova:

have you figured out your purpose on

Heather Abbott:

this planet? Oh, yeah, definitely. My mission is

Heather Abbott:

to help heart centered people take their place amongst the

Heather Abbott:

wealthy. And the people I'm starting with pretend to be

Heather Abbott:

entrepreneurs or have an entrepreneurial mindset. And

Heather Abbott:

they're usually women. And specifically, if you want to get

Heather Abbott:

really down into a niche, it would be women who aren't used

Heather Abbott:

to controlling their finances or looking for their purpose in

Heather Abbott:

life. They're feeling a little lost, little overwhelmed. Those

Heather Abbott:

are the absolute ideal for who I can help.

Anna Maydonova:

This is amazing. Because you know what, not many

Anna Maydonova:

people would find their why their reason on the planet? How

Anna Maydonova:

do you help those women to find their why?

Heather Abbott:

Well, I have had a lot of education and

Heather Abbott:

experience in my life. I started learning accounting back in

Heather Abbott:

1984, even though I'm on 35, right. Now. So I've been a CPA

Heather Abbott:

for like three decades, and a financial advisor for a decade.

Heather Abbott:

And I have worked through my own shame around money, my own

Heather Abbott:

abusive relationship, my own money, mindset blocks, and I am

Heather Abbott:

a very right brained person as well as left brain person, so

Heather Abbott:

I'm able to bring it all together. So that's what I do I

Heather Abbott:

can I, the people who are right brained, or who are really

Heather Abbott:

overwhelmed with finances, my approach is easy for them to

Heather Abbott:

follow and not be intimidated by.

Anna Maydonova:

That's really amazing. Heather, and before we

Anna Maydonova:

jump into your story and into your incredible experience

Anna Maydonova:

around your abusive relationship, I just want to ask

Anna Maydonova:



what are the most?

Anna Maydonova:

What are the most common blocks around the

Anna Maydonova:

money? And where are they coming from?

Heather Abbott:

Most common are people that just don't want to

Heather Abbott:

look, they don't want to see where they stand. They're afraid

Heather Abbott:

of their finances. That's one, there's people who think that

Heather Abbott:

they're ready to be wealthy. They don't know why the wealth

Heather Abbott:

isn't coming. But they have beliefs that they've taken on

Heather Abbott:

from when they were younger. Everything that you are told

Heather Abbott:

before you're seven years old, you take in without the ability

Heather Abbott:

to really question it as you can pass that point. So it kind of

Heather Abbott:

shapes the bucket that you have for collecting well. And if the

Heather Abbott:

bucket is set to small, you have to undo that and create the

Heather Abbott:

bigger bucket. And sometimes there's leaks in your financial

Heather Abbott:

bucket. But it's all about overcoming beliefs that had been

Heather Abbott:

set beforehand. So if you think of wealthy people as nasty, and

Heather Abbott:

you have all these bad thoughts about them, you're not going to

Heather Abbott:

become one because you don't want to become somebody you

Heather Abbott:

hate. But it's really, your beliefs have to be reshaped.

Heather Abbott:

Because wealth does not make you bad. Wealth will only amplify

Heather Abbott:

what you already are. And if you're already a wonderful

Heather Abbott:

person, you're just going to do so So much more good in the

Heather Abbott:

world. If you become wealthy look at Oprah, she is a shining

Heather Abbott:

example of a wealthy one or Princess Diana. Right? They were

Heather Abbott:

both super wealthy, and they both make big differences.

Anna Maydonova:

You know what I absolutely agree with you. It's

Anna Maydonova:

not the money that make you a bad person. It's something

Anna Maydonova:

inside, inside you and I can resonate with you. Because when

Anna Maydonova:

I was growing up my stepfather when, and I'm talking about my

Anna Maydonova:

story, in the first episode, but just quickly, he came into our

Anna Maydonova:

family with nothing. And then my mom and my stepfather started to

Anna Maydonova:

grow together. And when he started to earn big money, he

Anna Maydonova:

changed a lot. He became a completely different person. I

Anna Maydonova:

didn't recognize him, you know, sometimes he would, he would

Anna Maydonova:

come come home so angry and his eyes and his face would become

Anna Maydonova:

like, demons face, a demon, demons demons face. I didn't, I

Anna Maydonova:

didn't know what was it, honestly. But I think that was

Anna Maydonova:

something in him already before. And I think it was coming from

Anna Maydonova:

his childhood experience where his father was a very violative

Anna Maydonova:

and ironic person, you know, and and when my stepfather fell this

Anna Maydonova:

power and this wealth? I think he, he felt this. Now I can do

Anna Maydonova:

anything to anyone there.

Heather Abbott:

Yeah. And but it's, yeah, sometimes it's

Heather Abbott:

overwhelm for them. And it just opens up their insecurities. And

Heather Abbott:

the get into this even enhanced nastiness. Yeah, it's a shame.

Anna Maydonova:

And I got a really, really bad limiting

Anna Maydonova:

belief from my stepfather that I have to work hard. So to achieve

Anna Maydonova:

success, so get more money, just just work harder and harder and

Anna Maydonova:

harder, which is working on it. really seriously?

Heather Abbott:

Yeah, no, because it's not true, you

Heather Abbott:

should be able to get paid to be you should be easy. If you're,

Heather Abbott:

if you're working towards your life purpose, it should be easy.

Heather Abbott:

And if it's hard, you need to stop and sit back and say, Okay,

Heather Abbott:

just checking in with feeling wise, which path feels like it

Heather Abbott:

would be the right path for me to start with, because you

Heather Abbott:

should have one to go with to reach your goal to start with,

Heather Abbott:

because if you're trying to do more than one, it's going to

Heather Abbott:

take you so much longer, like multiply, amplified so much

Heather Abbott:

longer. So when you're figuring that out, just go through the

Heather Abbott:

different options and see how it makes you feel? Does it make you

Heather Abbott:

feel heavier? Does it make you feel like, if it makes you feel

Heather Abbott:

like that's the right path?

Anna Maydonova:

I love it. I really love it. Because I truly

Anna Maydonova:

believe you don't need to self sacrifice your life. And your

Anna Maydonova:

your happiness and your time. Now to achieve some of those

Anna Maydonova:

things. I agree with that. Thank you, Heather. And how did you

Anna Maydonova:

start your practice? How did you come to this realization?

Heather Abbott:

Oh, yours. It's just been trying to trying to

Heather Abbott:

get ahead of my own life trying to overcome my own things.

Heather Abbott:

That's where it comes from. I mean, I fell into being an

Heather Abbott:

accountant. It was just I took it in high school, it was super

Heather Abbott:

easy. So I became an accountant. That the knowledge that I have

Heather Abbott:

those were always brought, just by having to make a decision on

Heather Abbott:

something usually, but the path of learning all these different

Heather Abbott:

ways was because I needed it. I've always been an optimist,

Heather Abbott:

but you know how hard that is when you're being used? Right?

Heather Abbott:

Even if you're denying being abused, which I was, I would say

Heather Abbott:

oh yeah, I know. He does try to control me with his temper, but

Heather Abbott:

now I'm not mentally abused. I'm a smart, educated woman.

Heather Abbott:

Mentally not mentally abused. Yeah, I was severely. I

Heather Abbott:

definitely was. But that was a process. It was just things

Heather Abbott:

would present themselves because it was meant to be on my path

Heather Abbott:

and I would work through them and try harder and try More

Heather Abbott:

things and learn more things and but it's always been my path to

Heather Abbott:

to learn things that can help other people, because that's who

Heather Abbott:

I am. So I have a toolkit that I build of all these different

Heather Abbott:

things because Oh, that one might help somebody someday. So

Heather Abbott:

even though it's not for me, I might buy the book or, or listen

Heather Abbott:

to the training, so that I can bring that out when someone else

Heather Abbott:


Anna Maydonova:

it. You know, I had a client she was dating.

Anna Maydonova:

While she wasn't dating, she was seeing a guy who wanted only sex

Anna Maydonova:

from here, and he was open about this, I just thought I just come

Anna Maydonova:

once a week, I just want to sex with you. Nothing else. And she

Anna Maydonova:

really wanted to get a family she was in your late 30s, early

Anna Maydonova:

30s, she wanted to have a baby, she wanted to settle down. But

Anna Maydonova:

every, every time he would come come to visit here, nothing

Anna Maydonova:

would happen. And she thought that the longer she would stay

Anna Maydonova:

in this relationship, the better it will become. Maybe he will

Anna Maydonova:

change his mind to finally fall in love with your and start

Anna Maydonova:

dating here. Because all you're saying no, I'm just coming on

Anna Maydonova:

Saturday. And that's it. And she created this micro contract with

Anna Maydonova:

him, not realizing that he's not promising her really anything

Anna Maydonova:

back. Why? Why is it here? Yes. Why is it? What is it? Why? Why

Anna Maydonova:

are we staying in such a relationship?

Heather Abbott:

We believe what we want to believe. That's,

Heather Abbott:

that's it in a nutshell, we see that after I was free. One of

Heather Abbott:

the people I was seeing to for help, or her name was monkey

Heather Abbott:

arts. And she said the most brilliant thing to me. She said,

Heather Abbott:

just because you see the potential in someone and as an

Heather Abbott:

empath we all we know, like we can pick up on that they can do

Heather Abbott:

it right, we've seen the good side of them. That's how they

Heather Abbott:

got us attracted to them in the first place to see this example.

Heather Abbott:

But just because you see the potential in someone's does not

Heather Abbott:

mean, they have any intention of ever living up to it. And that

Heather Abbott:

was such an eye opener for me, it's like, oh, because I always

Heather Abbott:

want to be the best I can be. And most empaths and kind of

Heather Abbott:

women do. They want to be the best they can be they're always

Heather Abbott:

striving to fix what they see as flaws about themselves,

Heather Abbott:

character traits that they perceive as negative. And I say

Heather Abbott:

proceed. Because they're not necessarily negative. We need

Heather Abbott:

that shadow side as they call it, of our of our personality to

Heather Abbott:

protect us, to help us through things. So we have to thank it

Heather Abbott:

not and embrace it, pull it in, not push it away. You can't push

Heather Abbott:

something away. If the Buddhist principle is, you go through it,

Heather Abbott:

you see why the issue is there. You send it, love, thank it and

Heather Abbott:

embrace it. So if you're trying to quit smoking, you bless each

Heather Abbott:

cigarette with love. Thank you for being there and really set

Heather Abbott:

so you know, I thank you. You've helped me through like,

Heather Abbott:

whatever. But we're going to have to say goodbye. And it

Heather Abbott:

works for so many things. But yeah, we see, we see the

Heather Abbott:

potential, but we honestly we will make up any story and

Heather Abbott:

believe what we want to believe, to justify what we're afraid to

Heather Abbott:

change. And that's what it comes down to. I know it I've done it.

Heather Abbott:

I would tell my daughter, like when she had moved away. I'd be

Heather Abbott:

like, Oh no, he's he's better. He's better. And she talked to

Heather Abbott:

her brother. He knows that. But I was trying to justify why I

Heather Abbott:

was still there.

Anna Maydonova:

I was afraid. What was you're afraid of? What

Anna Maydonova:

were you afraid of?

Heather Abbott:

Oh, what he would do. If I left when I left.

Heather Abbott:

I just he's you would alternate between whatever he thought

Heather Abbott:

would keep you there you know, like he's going to threaten

Heather Abbott:

suicide or so he'd stick to saying how much he loves you and

Heather Abbott:

He wants you to stay to you know I can I can kill myself and

Heather Abbott:

frame you For the death, right, you know, if I ever caught you

Heather Abbott:

with somebody else, these are things I would do to you, you

Heather Abbott:

know, like, I'm going to make you famous and and take all

Heather Abbott:

those pictures of you that I have unique, and I'm putting

Heather Abbott:

them all over the internet, I'm going to call the and make you

Heather Abbott:

lose your job and say that you showed me files and stuff. And

Heather Abbott:

I'll report you to the SEC. I didn't show him any fights. But

Heather Abbott:

these are threats that he would come up with. So he would just

Heather Abbott:

alternate right? Honey, and like the beat this thing and the and

Heather Abbott:

the honey like just either way. So you get there so long, and

Heather Abbott:

you don't know what's on the other side. It's like overcoming

Heather Abbott:

the money blocks. You don't know what's going to happen when you

Heather Abbott:

become rich? Are you going to lose your friends? What are they

Heather Abbott:

going to expect from you? Are people going to judge you and

Heather Abbott:

say you're this nasty? biatch? Or are they going to, you know,

Heather Abbott:

like, you're you don't know how people are going to judge you

Heather Abbott:

what they're going to say what's going to happen. So you're

Heather Abbott:

afraid of the unknown. It's a lot easier to stay in something

Heather Abbott:

that's bad, that you feel you're in control of to a point than to

Heather Abbott:

step out of that and lose all control. How,

Anna Maydonova:

how did you get out from those relationships?

Heather Abbott:

Well, I go into depth on that on my actual first

Heather Abbott:

episode of my podcast, prosperity and possibilities.

Heather Abbott:

But essentially, I expected him to die that year. Intuition. And

Heather Abbott:

a friend of mine who's very powerful mediums in February is

Heather Abbott:

just another sweat. He's not gonna die. And I cursed. I was

Heather Abbott:

mad. And my son said, for the next three months, he had never

Heather Abbott:

seen me so assertive. But it wasn't. It was like it was

Heather Abbott:

coming through me like my my grandmother and grandfather. And

Heather Abbott:

that like they were, they were giving me the words to say

Heather Abbott:

because it anyone in an abusive relationship knows you walk on

Heather Abbott:

eggshells. You measure your words before you say them.

Heather Abbott:

You're careful. You know what will likely bring your reaction

Heather Abbott:

tone of voice all those things, right. But coming out of my

Heather Abbott:

mouth in a way that I was standing up to him, but not

Heather Abbott:

triggering him. And it wasn't me, because I had never figured

Heather Abbott:

that out in 24 years. But it was coming through. And then just

Heather Abbott:

that day in June, because I knew that year, something was

Heather Abbott:

changing. I was not living like that anymore. I was taking my

Heather Abbott:

life back. If you would ask me in the morning, if I thought I

Heather Abbott:

could leave them I still would have said no. But that night, he

Heather Abbott:

had been trying to provoke me all day, and I just wasn't

Heather Abbott:

biting and I wasn't biting. And he was trying to trying and

Heather Abbott:

trying. And it just got to the point where he said something he

Heather Abbott:

always said, which is what you can do leave me. I said yes, I

Heather Abbott:

am. And I did. And he begged and pleaded and cried and didn't

Heather Abbott:

want me to go and went as soon as you knew I was serious. But I

Heather Abbott:

packed friend, my friend that I mentioned, she came over with

Heather Abbott:

her vehicle and my son and I packed up the things we had to

Heather Abbott:

take including all my files because I didn't want him having

Heather Abbott:

access to any of that. And we moved and for a week I went back

Heather Abbott:

and got things. And on that day, June 20 When I went down it you

Heather Abbott:

know things subconsciously, right, the drive down. I was

Heather Abbott:

calling in angels guide, unicorn, fairies, dragons,

Heather Abbott:

anything you got, I need protection. And they protected

Heather Abbott:

me because while I was taking stuff out, he was doing one of

Heather Abbott:

his poor pitiful me things were you know, implying he was going

Heather Abbott:

to do something to himself and I turned around, looked at him,

Heather Abbott:

like, you're not going to do anything. And then I went

Heather Abbott:

upstairs and started packing more stuff. And within five

Heather Abbott:

minutes, he showed up in front of me like three feet in front

Heather Abbott:

of me. So like he reached out his hand just like this with one

Heather Abbott:

hand and pass me a note. And I took it and I didn't even have

Heather Abbott:

to straighten my arm to take it like it was that close. And then

Heather Abbott:

he's it I just want you to see what you mean by that point. I

Heather Abbott:

saw that the 22 and I think he said caused because of course

Heather Abbott:

blame it on me at the end and pull the trigger and look

Heather Abbott:

surprised and he fell down and I started to run. looked back to

Heather Abbott:

see if he faked it, which there was it looked like a bruise

Heather Abbott:

right here

Anna Maydonova:

on his head. Yeah,

Heather Abbott:

on his temple and I sorry, forget that. It's

Heather Abbott:

on podcast. Yeah. And I, that was Freedom Day we call it so he

Heather Abbott:

was dead. I was free. It was. It was another day. Wow. This this

Heather Abbott:

dramatic day. I mean, I was bawling my eyes out. But it was

Heather Abbott:

another day I've had this. Yeah.

Anna Maydonova:

He literally tried to manipulate manipulate

Anna Maydonova:

you by making you guilty. What's happened?

Heather Abbott:

Tried it didn't work.

Anna Maydonova:

Thanks God.

Heather Abbott:

Well you think about it if you're if you can

Heather Abbott:

control somebody else if if anything he did was in my

Heather Abbott:

control? Don't you think I would have made him a nice person? I

Heather Abbott:

don't think I would have filtered what he said. Don't you

Heather Abbott:

think I would have made him be a happy person? Yes, if you could

Heather Abbott:

control someone else, if you live in the life of Riley, all

Heather Abbott:

you can do is make it easier or harder for someone to choose

Heather Abbott:

happiness. It's their choice.

Anna Maydonova:

100% 100% Heather. How, and I know you

Anna Maydonova:

have daughter and son this relationship impact them

Heather Abbott:

and their adulthood. Well, Britney started

Heather Abbott:

to hate him. When she was younger. The cat art we had a

Heather Abbott:

wonderful, calm cat. When he was, gosh, I don't know, maybe

Heather Abbott:

10 years old. And she went to pet her and kissed his daughter,

Heather Abbott:

as she never does that she must not have been feeling well. And

Heather Abbott:

Brittany went to pet her again. And she kind of batted out or

Heather Abbott:

like Mike grabbed a shovel and was going and swung it he would

Heather Abbott:

have cut the cat in half if he had a hitter, but she's ran. So

Heather Abbott:

Brittany hated him since then. And she felt like she needed to

Heather Abbott:

protect me. So she took on a lot. It wasn't hers to take.

Heather Abbott:

Dominic is super easy go. And both of my kids have Asperger's

Heather Abbott:

so but a social anxiety thrown in the mix. And Dominic just

Heather Abbott:

avoided him as much as possible. But he Dominic doesn't trigger

Heather Abbott:

anybody. I don't know anybody who wouldn't get along with my

Heather Abbott:

son, right? My friend after we left, she told me she said Did

Heather Abbott:

you know that Dominic thought he was gonna kill all of you. And I

Heather Abbott:

went to my son and I said, the shells that you were afraid he

Heather Abbott:

was gonna kill all of us. And his exact words were? Oh, I

Heather Abbott:

wasn't afraid. I just figured he was going to

Anna Maydonova:

How old was he? nominee?

Heather Abbott:

He was 19. When he was 19, Brittany would have

Heather Abbott:

been 22. She was on the other end of the country at that

Heather Abbott:

point. But Dominique was with me. Yeah, yeah. So that's why we

Heather Abbott:

call it Freedom Day. Literally, I lost like 12 pounds that week.

Heather Abbott:

And we were on it was like two days later, we were on a call,

Heather Abbott:

Zoom call with Brittany. And I said she said lost 12 pounds.

Heather Abbott:

And and so I'm gonna be the last one that I said What do you

Heather Abbott:

mean? He said, Oh, you lost over 200. So yes, it sounds callous.

Heather Abbott:

But I'm sorry. We are very happy. The man is dead. He was

Heather Abbott:

not good to us. And nobody knows if they have a half sister. She

Heather Abbott:

doesn't know the worst of it. She'd go home to her mother. And

Heather Abbott:

she wasn't afraid of him killing her mother. Although I actually

Heather Abbott:

did save her mother's life at one point because he was headed

Heather Abbott:

out the door with a gun loaded on his place there on his way to

Heather Abbott:

her place. When she was just a little tiny girl because she had

Heather Abbott:

called crying her mom had upset her and I don't know what he was

Heather Abbott:

strung out on. But I stopped him in the kitchen at my own risk

Heather Abbott:

and convinced him just by mentioning his daughter's name

Heather Abbott:

and say no, you're just going to upset her and she'll never

Heather Abbott:

forgive you and things like that. And I talked him out of

Heather Abbott:

it. So yeah, but she doesn't know that. That's not something

Heather Abbott:

actually I even remembered until a few years ago I forgotten it.

Heather Abbott:


Anna Maydonova:

was he ever diagnosed diagnosed with any

Anna Maydonova:

mental health? Disease?

Heather Abbott:

No, I didn't really go. But if I was to guess

Heather Abbott:

I wouldn't I wouldn't go through he was manic depressive,

Heather Abbott:

bipolar, whatever you want to call it, because looking back,

Heather Abbott:

it's just people think bipolar is like anger and happiness. But

Heather Abbott:

it's not. It's really high frenetic energy, which it can be

Heather Abbott:

just dramatic, right, but they're not depressed. And then

Heather Abbott:

there's the depression, anger. So it's the the frenetic side

Heather Abbott:

can be full anger, or it can be depression. So, yeah, those were

Heather Abbott:

his favorites. But a lot of people thought he was a great

Heather Abbott:

guy, they just didn't know, he saved all that for those closest

Heather Abbott:

as her most narcissists.

Anna Maydonova:

Or exactly the same with my stepfather. For

Anna Maydonova:

everyone else, he was a great guy, he was a great friend,

Anna Maydonova:

great son. But as soon as the door will close behind him, in

Anna Maydonova:

our house, he will become a completely different person.

Heather Abbott:

They're actors, it's what they are. Very, very

Heather Abbott:

good at it. And I know other people I know a young girl that

Heather Abbott:

had gone to Ireland with this guy who has been amazing to her.

Heather Abbott:

But when she got to Ireland, wholly different guy, and she

Heather Abbott:

didn't leave, because she was like, I want him back. Well, he

Heather Abbott:

wasn't real. He's the actor role that he the guy took on to get

Heather Abbott:

you. He's the role that he puts on when he goes out in public.

Heather Abbott:

And yes, you can feel that there is a good part in him. But it's

Heather Abbott:

not actually who he wants to be. He wants to be this controlling

Heather Abbott:

person, this abusive person, he has no desire to change. He just

Heather Abbott:

puts on that persona, as much as he needs to. That's all it is,

Heather Abbott:

you will never get that person back. Unless you I mean, go hire

Heather Abbott:

an actor, it'd be the same thing. It's not a real person.

Anna Maydonova:

And you know, Heather, my, my mom stayed in

Anna Maydonova:

this relationship with my stepfather. For I think, 15 or

Anna Maydonova:

17 years, I can't remember. And I was always looking at her and

Anna Maydonova:

thinking, When are you gonna leave this man, when you finally

Anna Maydonova:

realize that he's not the man that you think, but she was so

Anna Maydonova:

afraid to leave him over the security. He was a provider?

Anna Maydonova:

Sort of. He was protector, and I'm showing the inverse, of

Anna Maydonova:

course, quotation marks for sure, it was more about look

Anna Maydonova:

like she she has a family, because she couldn't, she

Anna Maydonova:

couldn't stay single anymore. Hannah, hello, what would be

Anna Maydonova:

your best advice for women who stuck in a similar relationship

Anna Maydonova:

in a similar situation, especially with kids, but they

Anna Maydonova:

don't know how to get out, or they solve, right?

Heather Abbott:

There's usually organizations that are there

Heather Abbott:

that were created to help women, if there isn't one in your

Heather Abbott:

country, they are there in other countries, if there is a way for

Heather Abbott:

you to make that phone call. There are people far too many

Heather Abbott:

people who have been there and done that. And fortunately, have

Heather Abbott:

made it out. Some, some don't make it out and stay alive. I do

Heather Abbott:

know a woman who was planning to leave the country, and he got to

Heather Abbott:

her first. But it doesn't have to be that bad. There are places

Heather Abbott:

you can go. There are support things. And it's what I've

Heather Abbott:

taught my kids their whole life. Don't reach out to people in the

Heather Abbott:

same situation as you are the same age as you. They don't know

Heather Abbott:

any more than you do. There are always people who have been

Heather Abbott:

there and done that. And they know more than you do. Because

Heather Abbott:

they're farther than that they have that Hindsight is 2020.

Heather Abbott:

They know what they would go back and change and do

Heather Abbott:

differently and how it can be done. We'll look for those

Heather Abbott:

support groups. Look for somebody who you can reach out

Heather Abbott:

to who is past the stage that you are in. And even if you are

Heather Abbott:

like me, and you are in denial, you know that it's not good. I

Heather Abbott:

was praying for him to be dead. When I heard of a woman becoming

Heather Abbott:

widowed, I would be jealous. You know if that's you, you

Heather Abbott:

shouldn't be there. If you just don't know how to get out, and

Heather Abbott:

these organizations, you don't have to say that you're a victim

Heather Abbott:

or abused woman or make yourself seem small, you can be a very

Heather Abbott:

strong woman in an unhappy, uncomfortable relationship that

Heather Abbott:

you don't know how to get out of. So you don't have to be

Heather Abbott:

embarrassed. They know how to help you. And there are I

Heather Abbott:

watched the documentary The other day where there's police

Heather Abbott:

who are trying to help these Sugar Babies get out our and all

Heather Abbott:

these different women who are being oppressed in other

Heather Abbott:

countries, like where you came from Anna, and the women aren't

Heather Abbott:

talking to them, even though the police officers are trying to

Heather Abbott:

help. They're not responding. And is because No, I love him.

Heather Abbott:

You. That's the story you're telling yourself. And you don't

Heather Abbott:

actually end if you try to go back to a place when you were

Heather Abbott:

happy if you have one. And think if I was starting a brand new

Heather Abbott:

relationship, what would be the boundaries I would set because

Heather Abbott:

these guys can't cross a line because you've never made one.

Heather Abbott:

So they just keep pushing, pushing, pushing up, push too

Heather Abbott:

far, step back, push, push, push, push, and they get you to

Heather Abbott:

a point where they're doing things to you that you never

Heather Abbott:

would have allowed anyone to do to you before. But they all

Heather Abbott:

start gradually. So try, please, please try to do the best you

Heather Abbott:

can reach out for help. And if someone is offering you how,

Heather Abbott:

see, see, maybe maybe there's an answer there for you.

Anna Maydonova:

Heather, this is such an amazing advice. And you

Anna Maydonova:

know what, you have two choices, you can stay in a sexual

Anna Maydonova:

relationship and try your best. But it's not going to change.

Anna Maydonova:

Even if you're if you're writing, it's not, it's not

Anna Maydonova:

gonna change. Because it is about setting up healthy

Anna Maydonova:

boundaries. And it's about self worth, and self love, and self

Anna Maydonova:

respect. If you if a man or a woman, you know, sometimes I

Anna Maydonova:

cross these boundaries, there is no way they're going to be

Anna Maydonova:

better. Or you can leave this relationship. And you can

Anna Maydonova:

realize that you're worth much better. You're worth much, much

Anna Maydonova:

more loving and kind and healthy relationship and work towards

Anna Maydonova:

it. And then just think about the impact of your kids watching

Anna Maydonova:

you in such a relationship. Because from my experience, I

Anna Maydonova:

thought beating kids is normal. And it's now I'm realizing that

Anna Maydonova:

you know, smashing them with a leather belt is not normal, it

Anna Maydonova:

is abuse, calling them very bad words. It is abuse. I'm

Anna Maydonova:

realizing it now. But at this point, I thought it's normal.

Heather Abbott:

Now, if it's all you've ever known, then you

Heather Abbott:

don't know that it's better. But that's why you are sharing your

Heather Abbott:

message and why I'm speaking up is so people can know that there

Heather Abbott:

is a better way that there is hope that there are good people

Heather Abbott:

out there and good relationships that you can have. The best one

Heather Abbott:

you have to cultivate first is the one with yourself. And for

Heather Abbott:

anyone who wonders why women don't leave. It's like, well, if

Heather Abbott:

she stays she's making the choice to stay. It's Yes, but

Heather Abbott:

the choice that you're making is like when you're sitting on a

Heather Abbott:

couch at home and you're thinking oh, I should get up and

Heather Abbott:

go and do the dishes or I think get up and go for a walk and you

Heather Abbott:

stay sitting on the couch. It's it's not it's time just goes by

Heather Abbott:

because you haven't made the harder choice the the choice

Heather Abbott:

that takes effort versus the choice that requires less effort

Heather Abbott:

and women in these relationships are strong. And children there

Heather Abbott:

they are some of the strongest people you will ever meet.

Anna Maydonova:

But they shouldn't have to be that

Anna Maydonova:

strong. Exactly. And there is something about being in a

Anna Maydonova:

victim mode. It's just your your perpetrator takes all your power

Anna Maydonova:

away It's really hard to explain

Heather Abbott:

your issue, because they seem so caring.

Heather Abbott:

Really, this is the other piece of advice, look up the

Heather Abbott:

definition of narcissist. Online, you should spell that

Heather Abbott:

out in the show notes. So they can look it up. Because the

Heather Abbott:

definition I thought it was, after I left, I actually looked

Heather Abbott:

it up and it, it really opened my eyes because there are books

Heather Abbott:

on it. There's all kinds of things of information out there

Heather Abbott:

for you that you can get from a library or somewhere, right. But

Heather Abbott:

it's not just someone who thinks of themselves before he thinks

Heather Abbott:

of others, or she thinks of others, because there are female

Heather Abbott:

nurses this too. It's somebody who, it's incurable. They said

Heather Abbott:

in the one that I read, you can overcome it through a 12 step

Heather Abbott:

program. But it is highly unlikely you're talking about

Heather Abbott:

maybe one 2% of anybody, so they are not capable of changing it

Heather Abbott:

because they don't want to.

Anna Maydonova:

It's very comfortable to be in this state.

Anna Maydonova:

Yeah, do you do you remember what definition you've read? You

Anna Maydonova:


Heather Abbott:

Or just though and it wasn't, it wasn't just

Heather Abbott:

the definition, it went through the things that they do, like

Heather Abbott:

the gaslighting, like where they make you think they twist things

Heather Abbott:

so that it's on you. And like a typical things are when like you

Heather Abbott:

and I discussed it, we would go somewhere and have a great time.

Heather Abbott:

And as soon as you walk out the door, you're going to be told

Heather Abbott:

everything you did wrong and all these nasty things, right? Where

Heather Abbott:

if they say how they're come here, you think you're in

Heather Abbott:

trouble because you're trying to figure out what you did wrong,

Heather Abbott:

because you're so used to Heather come here means I'm

Heather Abbott:

about to be told off. And everything I've done wrong like

Heather Abbott:

that has. So yeah, that's it goes through it. And you will

Heather Abbott:

identify much more quickly if you actually do a bit of

Heather Abbott:

research and read up on it.

Anna Maydonova:

That's a great advice. Hannah, what are you

Anna Maydonova:

most proud of in your life?

Heather Abbott:

Well, partly my children, but also me being

Heather Abbott:

being able to stand up and say, you know, this is who I am. I am

Heather Abbott:

an incarnated theory, who is going to teach you about

Heather Abbott:

finances and money and make you feel good? And the journey like

Heather Abbott:

coming through it and being strong enough to and being help

Heather Abbott:

for others. A lot of people asked me well, if you could go

Heather Abbott:

back and give advice to younger you What would you say if you

Heather Abbott:

could go back and change anything? What would you say?

Heather Abbott:

Nothing really, there's tiny things like there's this little

Heather Abbott:

thing here that I said to one of the kids one time or this that I

Heather Abbott:

said, but it would all have to do with better parenting. It

Heather Abbott:

wouldn't be with changing the path because the path made me

Heather Abbott:

who I am and who I am as somebody who is capable of

Heather Abbott:

helping a lot more people.

Anna Maydonova:

Here that bless you. I'm so glad I met you. You

Anna Maydonova:

such an inspiration. And I know you're helping so many news. So

Anna Maydonova:

many people so many women, and the financial side is very

Anna Maydonova:

important to be able to be financially independent from

Anna Maydonova:

your mind. And if people need your help, where can they find

Anna Maydonova:


Heather Abbott:

The best place is to go to my website, H C.

Heather Abbott:

Abbott ABV Ca for Canadian. If you go to that

Heather Abbott:

website, HC At the very top there's a button that

Heather Abbott:

says Become an insider. And that gets you on my email list and it

Heather Abbott:

gets you the booklet for it gives you my system for figuring

Heather Abbott:

out your money. It's an essential thing it's like an

Heather Abbott:

unknown budget is really really easy. Number avoidant people

Heather Abbott:

have told me time and time again. Oh my gosh, this is easy.

Heather Abbott:

So please, you would have to print it out and do it to get

Heather Abbott:

the benefit just clicking the button won't put you the

Heather Abbott:

benefit. But that will also put you on my email list which is

Heather Abbott:

not very frequent. Because I don't like filling up inboxes

Heather Abbott:

but if you want to know when I'm launching a course or giving a

Heather Abbott:

training away or something like that. That's where you will find

Heather Abbott:

out the most easily. So I do encourage people to be honest.

Anna Maydonova:

Wonderful. And before we go, do you have any

Anna Maydonova:

concluding thoughts?

Heather Abbott:

My thought is that you are amazing. And I love

Heather Abbott:

that you are overcoming your own challenges and that you're

Heather Abbott:

standing up and saying your whole story too, because I put

Heather Abbott:

mine out there. And I know, it takes a lot of guts to put that

Heather Abbott:

out on the internet's are available for everybody because

Heather Abbott:

there are people who will judge us. But there are more people

Heather Abbott:

that really need us. So that's my final thought is thank you

Heather Abbott:

for being me.

Anna Maydonova:

I love this so much. Thank you, Heather. Ladies

Anna Maydonova:

and gentlemen, Heather Abbott. Thank you for being here. I know

Anna Maydonova:

it's not easy. But there is a part of you, who is ready to

Anna Maydonova:

take this journey all the way. And I can help reach out to me

Anna Maydonova:

directly at Elena at nma the to get work. You can

Anna Maydonova:

also connect with me on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn,

Anna Maydonova:

for more healing stories and magic. This journey is

Anna Maydonova:

impossible to do on your own. So make sure to like, subscribe,

Anna Maydonova:

and review the podcast so we can help more people like you. If

Anna Maydonova:

you have someone in your life who is struggling to overcome

Anna Maydonova:

their trauma, this is something you can give them that truly can

Anna Maydonova:

change the course of their life forever. We'll see you next time

Anna Maydonova:

for another episode of the world's best Trauma Recovery

Anna Maydonova:

podcast. And just remember, you are able to help yourself and

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