Have you ever felt incomplete or not the same after a traumatic event? Today I am joined by Christina Lee Pratt and she shares with us her shamanic technique of soul retrieval to help heal traumatic events. When we experience a shocking or overwhelming event our energetic soul will fragment, and we learn to adapt and live without that piece of ourselves. Christina walks us through the acceptance of this process and how to retrieve the pieces of ourselves that we have lost and integrate them back into our soul’s purpose.


About our guest:

Christina Lee Pratt is a healer, author, and teacher of exceptional clarity, humor, and practicality. At Last Mask Center, she is pioneering new shamanic techniques to deal with complex trauma, the healing of our ancestral lines, and the initiation of our young into spiritual adulthood. LMC offers healing sessions, online classes, and in-person retreats.

Christina is the host of the international, podcast Why Shamanism Now and the author of the two-volume set “An Encyclopedia of Shamanism”, and a presenter in Shamanic Summits, including those for Shift Network and Sounds True.


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www.whyshamanismnow.com, 500+ hours of free podcasts on the practical application of shamanism in our contemporary lives



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Anna Maydonova:

I know you, you're afraid to speak up.

Anna Maydonova:

You're scared of what other people think of you. And you

Anna Maydonova:

blame yourself for what happened to you. I know how it feels,

Anna Maydonova:

because I've been there. If you found me, I'm so grateful you

Anna Maydonova:

are here. This podcast will give you hope. And I'm your host in a

Anna Maydonova:

made ANOVA. And I'm going to hold your hand and provide the

Anna Maydonova:

guidance. It's time for you to find your why. And turn your

Anna Maydonova:

experience into your biggest power. This is your time now. So

Anna Maydonova:

lock your door, put your headphones in and enjoy

Anna Maydonova:

Christina Lee pred. Welcome to the world's best Trauma Recovery

Anna Maydonova:


Christina Lee pratt:

Thank you, Anna. I'm really happy to be

Christina Lee pratt:


Anna Maydonova:

Christina, you are a healer. You are an author

Anna Maydonova:

and a teacher of exceptional clarity, humor and practicality.

Anna Maydonova:

You are doing an amazing job. And when I heard about you that

Anna Maydonova:

for the first time, I really connected with you. And I just

Anna Maydonova:

want to tell my listeners that you also opened the last mosque

Anna Maydonova:

center for shamanic healing in New York in 1990. Where you are

Anna Maydonova:

pioneering new shamanic techniques to deal with complex

Anna Maydonova:

trauma, the healing of our ancestral lines, and the

Anna Maydonova:

initiation of our young, young young Jung In the spiritual

Anna Maydonova:

adulthood. Which is great. And you also wrote a two volume set

Anna Maydonova:

of an insight of the book and Encyclopedia of shamanism. And

Anna Maydonova:

you're also presented at many shamanic summits. Wow, what a

Anna Maydonova:

journey. Christina, how did you get into this? Um, well, I

Christina Lee pratt:

don't have a special Oh, I had an

Christina Lee pratt:

indigenous grandmother's story or anything like that at all.

Christina Lee pratt:

I'm just a typical, very, very typical white, middle class

Christina Lee pratt:

American who


started humble.

Christina Lee pratt:

who just started experiencing stress

Christina Lee pratt:

related illness very early. And this isn't a story of that

Christina Lee pratt:

illness is created this what the illness made me start doing is

Christina Lee pratt:

questioning my own culture. There was no reason for me,

Christina Lee pratt:

given my privilege, my entitlement, my access to health

Christina Lee pratt:

care, my access to good food my whole life. You know, every way

Christina Lee pratt:

that I was supported for me to be depressed since I was 12. No

Christina Lee pratt:

reason at all for that, but outwardly. And so I started

Christina Lee pratt:

really questioning not myself, like what's wrong with me, but

Christina Lee pratt:

I, for whatever reason, started questioning my culture. And one

Christina Lee pratt:

thing led to another. And I was in a therapy session. And the

Christina Lee pratt:

person asked me after I had been ranting for about 30 minutes

Christina Lee pratt:

about this incredible brokenhearted situation I was in

Christina Lee pratt:

because the man who was literally the man of my dreams,

Christina Lee pratt:

man, I felt pretty lucky to have met him. But he was a really

Christina Lee pratt:

destructive this is this is a bit dated, right? He was

Christina Lee pratt:

freebasing. I realized there people listen to your podcast

Christina Lee pratt:

and probably don't even know what that means. But basically

Christina Lee pratt:

was a serious cocaine addict. And in a really, pretty

Christina Lee pratt:

dangerous way at the time. And not that it's ever not

Christina Lee pratt:

dangerous. But anyway, my point is, I was my life was a mess. It

Christina Lee pratt:

was a train wreck. And I'm going on and on about my problems. And

Christina Lee pratt:

his response to me is Christina, where's your bliss? And I am

Christina Lee pratt:

telling you part of me wanted to launch out of my body across the

Christina Lee pratt:

room, grab him by the throat and rip it out. Like how dare you

Christina Lee pratt:

and I'm like spilling my guts about how painful this all is.

Christina Lee pratt:

And you're asking me where my bliss is. There's clearly no

Christina Lee pratt:

bliss here was so angry, and whatever happened because of

Christina Lee pratt:

course, I didn't launch across the room and grab rip his neck

Christina Lee pratt:

out. But what that act was that act was like this arrow that

Christina Lee pratt:

went into my heart which I tried to ignore and ignore it ignore

Christina Lee pratt:

but man when I woke up in the morning, I asked myself, What

Christina Lee pratt:

would you do today? If you knew you were going to die tomorrow?

Christina Lee pratt:

And I realized nothing. That was on the plan. Um, for that day,

Christina Lee pratt:

or that week or that month, like, there was nothing I was

Christina Lee pratt:

doing that I would still be doing if I knew I was gonna die

Christina Lee pratt:

the next day. And I thought this is a problem. This is an I was

Christina Lee pratt:

20. Right? I'm doing this, you know, 20. And so I started

Christina Lee pratt:

looking for my own answers. That's really how I got myself

Christina Lee pratt:

into this is I just stopped listening to the noise of my

Christina Lee pratt:

culture, trying to tell me who I was, because I ended up sick and

Christina Lee pratt:

depressed when I listened to that. And instead, I started

Christina Lee pratt:

trying to answer that question, where is my bliss? When do I

Christina Lee pratt:

last remember feeling something I would call bliss? What the

Christina Lee pratt:

hell is bliss, right. And I realized this is a much overused

Christina Lee pratt:

now, Joseph Campbell phrase, but the point is this person and

Christina Lee pratt:

bless his heart, this person didn't listen to my drama,

Christina Lee pratt:

didn't listen to my trauma didn't listen to anything. He

Christina Lee pratt:

just asked the question I needed to be asked at that moment, and

Christina Lee pratt:

I was like a dog on a bone man, I could not let go of that when

Christina Lee pratt:

I realized I had absolutely no good answer for that, and no

Christina Lee pratt:

reason to not have a good answer. Because, you know, I

Christina Lee pratt:

lived really a pretty good life up until that realizing, what

Christina Lee pratt:

does that really mean and started questioning that. So

Christina Lee pratt:

anyway, fast forward, I end up making some really drastic

Christina Lee pratt:

decisions. And I'm in Manhattan, later in my 20s. And I've gone

Christina Lee pratt:

back to dancing, which is an extremely stupid thing to do in

Christina Lee pratt:

your latter 20s, because you're already an old lady for the

Christina Lee pratt:

profession in your 20s. And I didn't have an experience of 20

Christina Lee pratt:

years of dancing. So this is a really long, making a long story

Christina Lee pratt:

even longer than it needs to be. But basically, in the process of

Christina Lee pratt:

going back to what was the last place I had experienced bliss.

Christina Lee pratt:

I'm going to share this little part of the story I don't

Christina Lee pratt:

normally share. Because I think people that have experienced,

Christina Lee pratt:

really serious physical and emotional trauma often have peak

Christina Lee pratt:

altered state experiences that get pathologized. So there's

Christina Lee pratt:

some peak altered state experiences in this story that I

Christina Lee pratt:

usually leave out because people pathologize me for them. So I

Christina Lee pratt:

just want to acknowledge that problem with what I consider

Christina Lee pratt:

contemporary culture is understanding of what's really

Christina Lee pratt:

going on for human beings and their lives. So anyway, my point

Christina Lee pratt:


Christina Lee pratt:

the last place I had felt bliss was as a child dancing. I've had

Christina Lee pratt:

dance my whole life in small town. So it's not as fancy as it

Christina Lee pratt:

sounds, no, but I danced my whole life I was performing. We

Christina Lee pratt:

were performing to Bach, which was incredible music. And it was

Christina Lee pratt:

one of the rare moments I was dancing really incredible

Christina Lee pratt:

choreography. And the audience was right there for us, the

Christina Lee pratt:

lights, the music, the choreography, I was dancing with

Christina Lee pratt:

people I danced with my whole life. It was this amazing moment

Christina Lee pratt:

and bam, in stage right in the middle of the choreography, I go

Christina Lee pratt:

into an altered state, an absolute ecstatic peak ecstatic

Christina Lee pratt:

state in the middle of performing on stage, right,

Christina Lee pratt:

eight counts later. And I know this because of music. I am

Christina Lee pratt:

downstage where I need to be doing the right thing. But I

Christina Lee pratt:

have not participated in the process of getting there my

Christina Lee pratt:

conscious awareness. I've been in this peak ecstatic altered

Christina Lee pratt:

state one with all things. So that was my scale for blips that

Christina Lee pratt:

I was looking for later. And this has happened when I was a

Christina Lee pratt:

teenager right here I am on my 20s trying to get back to this

Christina Lee pratt:

really peak altered state with no education around spirit or

Christina Lee pratt:

altered states, right. I didn't realize it was a peak state. It

Christina Lee pratt:

was just an experience I had had, I tried to share it with

Christina Lee pratt:

people, everybody looked at me like I was crazy. So I shut up

Christina Lee pratt:

and ever told me but and that's what I was looking for. So you

Christina Lee pratt:

know, I had a pretty high bar that I was reaching for and

Christina Lee pratt:

didn't know it. So I had gone back to New York to go back to

Christina Lee pratt:

dancing because that was me trying to find my bliss. And it

Christina Lee pratt:

was I was poor. I was living below the poverty line. I was

Christina Lee pratt:

trying to dance. I'm not that good. Right. And especially at

Christina Lee pratt:

that age, I mean, it was really everything was stacked against

Christina Lee pratt:

me. And I actually got a job with the one choreographer on

Christina Lee pratt:

the planet I wanted to dance with. So I had this peak

Christina Lee pratt:

experience of doing this premiere show in New York with

Christina Lee pratt:

this choreographer, this amazing company, this incredible piece

Christina Lee pratt:

of work. And then bam, it was over and I crashed into that

Christina Lee pratt:

depression. Like, just that from that height of everything. I

Christina Lee pratt:

ever imagined that was the thing I crashed deep into my very

Christina Lee pratt:

familiar depression but deeper than I'd ever been in before.

Christina Lee pratt:

And I had this very Darwinistic thought about it because I've

Christina Lee pratt:

been researching and studying Taoist practices made me

Christina Lee pratt:

frankly, I was in my 20s, frankly, for sex. Honestly, to

Christina Lee pratt:

be anyway, so I have these this idea of Taoism in my mind, which

Christina Lee pratt:

I didn't really understand very well yet at that time, but it

Christina Lee pratt:

made me ask this very paradoxical question, which was,

Christina Lee pratt:

I was my depression always felt like being underwater. And, and

Christina Lee pratt:

being you know, deeper and deeper and darker and darker, as

Christina Lee pratt:

if anybody scuba dives, you know, as you get down deeper,

Christina Lee pratt:

pretty quickly, it gets very dark, and then the pressure of

Christina Lee pratt:

the water, it's kind of scary. And so I felt myself just going

Christina Lee pratt:

down and down and down. And I'd always clawed my way up out of

Christina Lee pratt:

the depression, I always felt like, you know, just like, like

Christina Lee pratt:

a swimmer, right? You try to go for the air. And I was so

Christina Lee pratt:

crushed. And, and this, like, weird little YinYang sign just

Christina Lee pratt:

came into my mind. And I just had this thought, what if I went

Christina Lee pratt:

down instead of up,

Anna Maydonova:

and made it all the way to the bottom,

Christina Lee pratt:

but I didn't, I just broke out of my

Christina Lee pratt:

conscious state. And I was in an altered state, and I was in a

Christina Lee pratt:

spontaneous experience of being in an altered state for three

Christina Lee pratt:

days in Manhattan. So the whole thing is so insane. Anyway, so

Christina Lee pratt:

as I came out of that experience, which was, which I

Christina Lee pratt:

participated in as a test, not not being not being a religious

Christina Lee pratt:

person, and not seeing life through this battle of the good

Christina Lee pratt:

and good and evil, I don't see the world that way. I wasn't

Christina Lee pratt:

trained to see that. I don't think kids naturally see the

Christina Lee pratt:

world that way. And then I didn't get trained to see the

Christina Lee pratt:

world that way. So the blessing of that moment was that that

Christina Lee pratt:

wasn't how I perceived what was going on. I simply perceived it

Christina Lee pratt:

as a test. And a response to this question I had had, which

Christina Lee pratt:

is why am I here? And I didn't understand yet that you need to

Christina Lee pratt:

qualify your questions and be very specific when you're trying

Christina Lee pratt:

to communicate with the big all that is. And so why am I here? I

Christina Lee pratt:

meant, why am I here at this audition? Why am I here in New

Christina Lee pratt:

York? Like I meant it, like, in the context that I could see

Christina Lee pratt:

myself in? Why am I here? I didn't understand. That's not

Christina Lee pratt:

how you work with spirit yet, because I've been having

Christina Lee pratt:

education. So I just was like, why am I here? Why am I here?

Christina Lee pratt:

You know, constantly. So I go into this altered state. I'm in

Christina Lee pratt:

it for three days. And I really felt like that whole experience.

Christina Lee pratt:

Gave me the answer to that question. Because as I came out

Christina Lee pratt:

of that experience, and was like, wow, like, no one to talk

Christina Lee pratt:

to about it. No one to put it into context, no way to

Christina Lee pratt:

understand what the hell just happened. All I knew it was

Christina Lee pratt:

probably the most important thing that would ever happen to

Christina Lee pratt:

me in my whole lifetime. And it had changed everything. That's

Christina Lee pratt:

all I knew. No one to you know, no elders know anything like,

Christina Lee pratt:

and I'm in Manhattan. I mean, the whole thing was really

Christina Lee pratt:

crazy. But what came after that in, in a period of time of

Christina Lee pratt:

clarity after that, well, periodically clarity and then

Christina Lee pratt:

aftershocks, so there'll be clarity and confusion and

Christina Lee pratt:

clarity and confusion. But in those moments of clarity. I saw

Christina Lee pratt:

the next steps. And for me, the next the most direct next step,

Christina Lee pratt:

the clearest answer for why am I here? Was this process called

Christina Lee pratt:

Soul Retrieval? What is it? Yeah, it's so it's a really old,

Christina Lee pratt:

it's one of the earliest shared ways of healing so many, many

Christina Lee pratt:

cultures all over the world do their version of a process

Christina Lee pratt:

called Soul Retrieval, which is fundamentally based on the idea

Christina Lee pratt:

that when we experience trauma, and they include in that shock,

Christina Lee pratt:

like to be shocked or overwhelmed as another kind of

Christina Lee pratt:

trauma, I mean, we have a very contemporary contextualized

Christina Lee pratt:

version of what trauma means today. But just to be completely

Christina Lee pratt:

shocked and overwhelmed and unable to process the moment,

Christina Lee pratt:

for accidental reasons, is also considered trauma, that, that

Christina Lee pratt:

the person can respond to that by fragmenting and what that

Christina Lee pratt:

creates in the person that everyone is responding to who's

Christina Lee pratt:

here in real time is a feeling of I've never been the same

Christina Lee pratt:

sense. I've never been the same sense that event because we did

Christina Lee pratt:

did lose a part of ourselves. So soul retrieval, so loss and soul

Christina Lee pratt:

retrieval, which is the, the, it's just accepting the fact

Christina Lee pratt:

that at high levels of trauma and abuse, this is what people

Christina Lee pratt:

do it and it just accepts that that's what happens. And so

Christina Lee pratt:

since it does happen, somebody needs to go find those parts of

Christina Lee pratt:

the self and bring it back. And that's a fundamental healing

Christina Lee pratt:

process in indigenous cultures. And there are many different

Christina Lee pratt:

means by which people do it. But that's what they're doing. And

Christina Lee pratt:

so not only did I learn to do that, because it was the

Christina Lee pratt:

clearest answer of why are you here.

Christina Lee pratt:

But I also researched it around the world, like what are all of

Christina Lee pratt:

the just discovering how all of these peoples from all over all

Christina Lee pratt:

the landmasses all over the world had ways of doing this?

Christina Lee pratt:

And, and practitioners who became skilled at this act of

Christina Lee pratt:

discovery, it's like tracking and finding it, the negotiation,

Christina Lee pratt:

which is different in different cultural contexts, but there's a

Christina Lee pratt:

negotiation that convinces that last self to come back, and then

Christina Lee pratt:

the actual act of grasping that self, which obviously has to be

Christina Lee pratt:

happening in an altered state, because they're not in the

Christina Lee pratt:

physical world anymore. And then bringing them back, and

Christina Lee pratt:

restoring them to the person's body where they belong here in

Christina Lee pratt:

the physical world. And so these practitioners in these different

Christina Lee pratt:

cultures are all practitioners that understand there's a

Christina Lee pratt:

relationship between the physical world and the invisible

Christina Lee pratt:

world, whatever you want to call that. And that it, they and that

Christina Lee pratt:

people can learn to use that relationship in a constructive

Christina Lee pratt:

way. I mean, they can also learn to use it in a destructive way.

Christina Lee pratt:

But the point was long version of answering your question is,

Christina Lee pratt:

this was really the best answer my life gave me as to why I'm

Christina Lee pratt:

here. And so I just pursued the steps to learn to do it, without

Christina Lee pratt:

really thinking about I felt it was the truth. So I didn't worry

Christina Lee pratt:

about where the source of the truth was coming from whether or

Christina Lee pratt:

not I liked that truth. Because I didn't mean I liked having an

Christina Lee pratt:

answer, but didn't like the answer. And I didn't want to

Christina Lee pratt:

think about the ramifications on my life. And that's the

Christina Lee pratt:

challenge with the truth is often knowing the truth changes

Christina Lee pratt:

everything. So anyway, here we are.

Anna Maydonova:

Thanks so much. That's a beautiful answer.

Anna Maydonova:

Thanks, Christina. I, you know what I believe. Unfortunately,

Anna Maydonova:

or fortunately, but our close relatives, close friends, and

Anna Maydonova:

now our loved ones are the biggest teachers in our life.

Anna Maydonova:

And they given us to, to learn this lesson and to find our

Anna Maydonova:

passion. And it's like your ex boyfriend. Through these

Anna Maydonova:

challenges, through this traumatic experience, you found

Anna Maydonova:

your passion, you found your why it was there, like in the

Anna Maydonova:

universe, or God or any higher power was leading you to this

Anna Maydonova:

point. And I feel the same towards my stepfather. And in

Anna Maydonova:

some sort of capacity, I'm grateful that he, he helped me.

Anna Maydonova:

He created he helped me to create myself who I am right

Anna Maydonova:

now. And I know it's very, very interesting and deep topic. But

Anna Maydonova:

I'm just wondering, how does the soul look loss feels feel? How

Anna Maydonova:

do you know that you lost it? Yeah. Experiencing your trauma

Anna Maydonova:

or abuse?

Christina Lee pratt:

Yeah. So So from this perspective? And to

Christina Lee pratt:

answer this question in a really juicy way, part of it is

Christina Lee pratt:

accepting the idea that we have a physical body. And that

Christina Lee pratt:

physical body when it's alive, and has you know, inhabited by a

Christina Lee pratt:

soul creates also an energy body. And so, so while we may

Christina Lee pratt:

not notice the loss, physically, because the person is still

Christina Lee pratt:

here, there's no bruise, there's no cut, you know, there's no

Christina Lee pratt:

physical trauma to validate the experience, let's say, but in

Christina Lee pratt:

the energy body, it blows a hole out of the energy body when the

Christina Lee pratt:

soul leaves because in this idea of the energy body, let's just

Christina Lee pratt:

visualize the soul as being this luminous energy that that

Christina Lee pratt:

radiates who we are from the inside out, you know? It's not

Christina Lee pratt:

our core, our soul is here it is our light, it is our resonance,

Christina Lee pratt:

it is who we are. And so when a piece of that energy splits off,

Christina Lee pratt:

which is a survival tactic, our light is dimmed. On one hand,

Christina Lee pratt:

people will may notice a difference in US in, in, in the,

Christina Lee pratt:

in the old days, in the ancient times when cultures themselves

Christina Lee pratt:

were more coherent, they had very strict cultural parameters

Christina Lee pratt:

about how those relations you were talking about that help us

Christina Lee pratt:

to learn how we are to treat each other. Zero tolerance for

Christina Lee pratt:

certain things that are systemized today like incest,

Christina Lee pratt:

right mean zero tolerance for things like that. So people are

Christina Lee pratt:

in a different culture, a different quality of culture,

Christina Lee pratt:

let's say. And so where was I going with that. So when they

Christina Lee pratt:

lost a part of themselves, people noticed was my point in

Christina Lee pratt:

that because they could see the diminishment of that bright soul

Christina Lee pratt:

that they were already paying attention to and in relationship

Christina Lee pratt:

with, they would see that diminishment and notice, and so

Christina Lee pratt:

the culture would say, you need to be restored. Let's Let's

Christina Lee pratt:

mobilize around making that happen for you. Whereas for us,

Christina Lee pratt:

in our contemporary time, we let most of us lack a healthy

Christina Lee pratt:

culture around us and a healthy family system, it's usually at

Christina Lee pratt:

least dysfunctional, if not abusive. And so consequently,

Christina Lee pratt:

we're an individual struggling in that. And so we may lose

Christina Lee pratt:

smaller parts of ourselves to cope with different situations,

Christina Lee pratt:

which gives us time to adapt. Sorry, this little bit of a long

Christina Lee pratt:

version of this answer. But this is important to understand,

Christina Lee pratt:

because then collectively, over time, we can have a huge amount

Christina Lee pratt:

of soul loss that in the past would have actually caused us to

Christina Lee pratt:

waste away. But because we had time to adapt to the smaller

Christina Lee pratt:

parts leaving over time, we normalize living in a state of

Christina Lee pratt:

soul loss. And so this is really where I see your question coming

Christina Lee pratt:

in is, is what does it feel like to live in a state of soul loss

Christina Lee pratt:

feels like it yeah, it's completely normalized. It's

Christina Lee pratt:

like, oh, remember, we moved, and you started failing in

Christina Lee pratt:

school, ha, ha, ha, like I like all of the soul loss becomes

Christina Lee pratt:

these family jokes about when different members of the family

Christina Lee pratt:

started failing around something they used to be good at, or they

Christina Lee pratt:

suddenly dropped this thing they loved, you know, so that so

Christina Lee pratt:

there's these stories from our childhood, but in present time,

Christina Lee pratt:

what it feels like, for many people, you may not feel it,

Christina Lee pratt:

some people feel it, people have different sensibilities and

Christina Lee pratt:

sensations, right. So basically, what soulless creates is a leaky

Christina Lee pratt:

bucket, you're just a leaky bucket. So some people feel this

Christina Lee pratt:

constant drain of energy.

Christina Lee pratt:

And they named it different ways, like, Oh, I'm just too

Christina Lee pratt:

empathic, I'm too sensitive on to this. But really, it's you

Christina Lee pratt:

just got too many holes are really porous, and thus not able

Christina Lee pratt:

to really maintain the quality of boundaries that we would

Christina Lee pratt:

consider healthy boundaries. And so there's so for some people

Christina Lee pratt:

that can result in chronic chronic illnesses, because

Christina Lee pratt:

there's a chronic energy drain for other people. They have a

Christina Lee pratt:

vitality that compensates for that, but they experience it

Christina Lee pratt:

more in their mental wellness, or their emotional wellness. And

Christina Lee pratt:

so the whole can create a loss of energy. But most of us are

Christina Lee pratt:

intuitively smart enough to try to fill that hole and protect

Christina Lee pratt:

that hole. So protecting that hole can be issues in

Christina Lee pratt:

relationship about really allowing intimacy, or really

Christina Lee pratt:

being willing to commit to those people that are intimate. So it

Christina Lee pratt:

can be relationship struggles, that keep repeating themselves

Christina Lee pratt:

in different relationships. So different people, a lot of work

Christina Lee pratt:

with your therapist, same pattern gets reestablished

Christina Lee pratt:

because it's, it's, it's not coming out of your psychology,

Christina Lee pratt:

it's coming out of your intuitive need to protect this

Christina Lee pratt:

hole in your core, then the harder thing I think for us to

Christina Lee pratt:

realize is a lot of our addictive behavior comes out of

Christina Lee pratt:

our endeavor to try to replace the energy that we're losing, to

Christina Lee pratt:

try to get that to try to either numb out from the experience of

Christina Lee pratt:

being so vulnerable, because these holes make us feel

Christina Lee pratt:

vulnerable. So we have anxiety and then we're depressed, like

Christina Lee pratt:

all so much of what is normalized as just contemporary

Christina Lee pratt:

life experience can be explained by realizing you're living in a

Christina Lee pratt:

state of soul loss. I mean, if four out of five women have been

Christina Lee pratt:

abused, that means probably four out of five women are living in

Christina Lee pratt:

the state of soul loss. I mean, it's just, it's it's everywhere,

Christina Lee pratt:

and then unacknowledged. Right? So then there's that piece too,

Christina Lee pratt:

which is this idea that somehow you should be able to do better

Christina Lee pratt:

when you're hemorrhaging energy. What's your problem? What's

Christina Lee pratt:

wrong with you? It's like well, I've never been the same since

Christina Lee pratt:

this happened like that feeling of it's never been the same. And

Christina Lee pratt:

the thing that happened, doesn't seem like it wouldn't

Christina Lee pratt:

necessarily be labeled trauma or abuse potentially. So let's say

Christina Lee pratt:

my soul's purpose requires music. And I am in a school

Christina Lee pratt:

system, or somewhere or community or something. But

Christina Lee pratt:

there's lots of music, people are singing, I'm really engaged.

Christina Lee pratt:

I'm loving this, I feel I'm a kid. And it's like, Oh, my God,

Christina Lee pratt:

everyone's speaking my language, dad gets a new job, mom gets a

Christina Lee pratt:

new job, maybe parents get divorced. And suddenly I get

Christina Lee pratt:

moved to another country, another state another something,

Christina Lee pratt:

they don't have music. Or, or maybe in the new situation, we

Christina Lee pratt:

don't have the money to afford it anymore. But all of a sudden,

Christina Lee pratt:

I'm stripped of that ability to make music and that support of

Christina Lee pratt:

people around me to make music. That kid is that part that needs

Christina Lee pratt:

music is most likely going to stay back at the old place with

Christina Lee pratt:

making music. And now this kid, the one who's actually in real

Christina Lee pratt:

time, is suffering, is depressed is hemorrhaging energy. And all

Christina Lee pratt:

they did was move. So nobody knows what their problem is.

Christina Lee pratt:

Right? So the range of why we can experience but basically,

Christina Lee pratt:

any, any way that you feel, I know from my work on myself that

Christina Lee pratt:

I have more to give, and I keep sort of falling in the same hole

Christina Lee pratt:

in my efforts to try to give it like no matter what I do, I keep

Christina Lee pratt:

doing this pattern of that pattern. No matter how much time

Christina Lee pratt:

I spend in therapy, no matter how much trauma recover, I do I

Christina Lee pratt:

keep the same thing I just there's, there's just something

Christina Lee pratt:

missing. That's, that's also the key, there's just something

Christina Lee pratt:

missing. Because when we do get into our work, and we do do self

Christina Lee pratt:

reflection, we do start to tune in intuitively, we know

Christina Lee pratt:

something is missing. And then that gets pathologized. It's

Christina Lee pratt:

just such a mess. Yeah,

Anna Maydonova:

I've been feeling this feeling that

Anna Maydonova:

something is missing. There is something even though I look

Anna Maydonova:

like I have it all together, was always feeling those needs those

Anna Maydonova:

desire for something more, something bigger. I'm not

Anna Maydonova:

talking about materialistic things. It's so amazing. And I

Anna Maydonova:

found psyche specialist. I remember because I was so I was

Anna Maydonova:

so exhausted, I was so energy low. And in the first healing

Anna Maydonova:

session, she actually told me that inner eye can feel that

Anna Maydonova:

your soul has left your body. It just, it's just somewhere around

Anna Maydonova:

but it doesn't go into the body. And also fascinated, I said, why

Anna Maydonova:

she didn't know my story at those time. She said, something

Anna Maydonova:

happened to you when you were young. And just your soul felt

Anna Maydonova:

it's not safe to be in your body anymore. Which was for me, it

Anna Maydonova:

was mind blowing, honestly. And I had another experience with

Anna Maydonova:

Charmin where he was able to see what was happening with my

Anna Maydonova:

energy flow. And Christina, um, so like, I'm so wondering, I

Anna Maydonova:

want to ask you this question. I'm not sure if you're gonna

Anna Maydonova:

have an answer for this. But can you see over the zoom camera, if

Anna Maydonova:

there is any attachment of my perpetrator, my childhood sexual

Anna Maydonova:

abuser to me, and if there is something I need to heal, still?

Christina Lee pratt:

Oh, let me just do another thing first, and

Christina Lee pratt:

then we'll come back to that, which is for people that would

Christina Lee pratt:

ask this question, right, because a lot of people really

Christina Lee pratt:

hesitate to ask this question, but it is not an uncommon thing.

Christina Lee pratt:

If we think about us as energy bodies, right? And we think

Christina Lee pratt:

about it when we lose a part of ourself, it creates a hole, any

Christina Lee pratt:

hole in aluminous brilliant person such as yourself, is it's

Christina Lee pratt:

an opportunity for an energy that shouldn't invit be able to

Christina Lee pratt:

invade you to invade. And that's the other problem with soul loss

Christina Lee pratt:

is it creates a weakness in our energy that almost advertises

Christina Lee pratt:

like every hole is an opportunity for invasive

Christina Lee pratt:

energies to come in, whether it's a perpetrator or just some

Christina Lee pratt:

other invasive energy and this can this We can get into a

Christina Lee pratt:

really Hollywood version sensationalized idea of this.

Christina Lee pratt:

Which is unfortunate, because many of us because we're in a

Christina Lee pratt:

state of soul loss, do become prey to other energies, whether

Christina Lee pratt:

it's our perpetrator or not. And then another piece of this story

Christina Lee pratt:

is that one has to ask, why would a human being do this to a

Christina Lee pratt:

child, one has to ask that. And, unfortunately, there is often an

Christina Lee pratt:

invasive energy going on there that that a person is being

Christina Lee pratt:

driven to their worst self. Now they could choose not to do it.

Christina Lee pratt:

So I'm not, I'm not absolving people of the fact that we all

Christina Lee pratt:

need to make choices with our own energy. And often, you, as

Christina Lee pratt:

someone who's experienced abuse would be asking this question,

Christina Lee pratt:

not just because of the perpetrator as the person, but

Christina Lee pratt:

because somewhere intuitively you knew they were being written

Christina Lee pratt:

by an energy. And so it's complex, right? And that all of

Christina Lee pratt:

this, what for most of us feels pretty weird. It's not what most

Christina Lee pratt:

of us talk about. But anyway, so the question, because I don't I

Christina Lee pratt:

I, I work in an altered state with helping spirits that are

Christina Lee pratt:

confirming what I'm seeing, or feeling or sensing. And I'm not

Christina Lee pratt:

a clairvoyant, I got trained by a clairvoyant who was really

Christina Lee pratt:

amazing. But I'm not a clairvoyant, so I don't see all

Christina Lee pratt:

that well. And so I would want to back up anything that I said,

Christina Lee pratt:

with being able to actually do a journey, which for your

Christina Lee pratt:

listeners, would be really boring, because there'd be

Christina Lee pratt:

nothing to say and nothing to watch. But what I trust a lot is

Christina Lee pratt:

that people don't ask questions. Well, let me say it, the other

Christina Lee pratt:

way to be able to articulate the question is, is to almost name,

Christina Lee pratt:

what is going on, in a sense, like that willingness to get to

Christina Lee pratt:

a place where you say, things are possible this is happening

Christina Lee pratt:

is almost to affirm it is in less, you've already had work to

Christina Lee pratt:

have that energy removed. Right. And so, so there's that piece as

Christina Lee pratt:

well. But the other thing about soul parts coming back, just to

Christina Lee pratt:

add one more part to this whole story, is there's there's a

Christina Lee pratt:

proprietary nature, to our own body, we may not know it, but we

Christina Lee pratt:

really are the sovereign of our own body. And when soul parts

Christina Lee pratt:

come back, if there's invasive energies in those soul parts are

Christina Lee pratt:

often like Get the hell out of my room. Like you freeloading,

Christina Lee pratt:

squatting, whatever, get the hell out of my space. And so

Christina Lee pratt:

that's another aspect is for those people that feel they're

Christina Lee pratt:

not really able to claim their sovereignty in their own life.

Christina Lee pratt:

Often, that's because the aspects of themselves that were

Christina Lee pratt:

really helped them to do that have been lost and need to be

Christina Lee pratt:

brought back, and then reintegrated. And that's another

Christina Lee pratt:

piece. Because we adapt member I talked about how we adapt to

Christina Lee pratt:

this loss, when soul parts come back. Now for us as contemporary

Christina Lee pratt:

people, we need to integrate them, because we have to sort of

Christina Lee pratt:

and adapt if you think about it, you know, we changed when they

Christina Lee pratt:

lost, we need to get out of those bad habits or just

Christina Lee pratt:

problematic habits, and allow these energies back in not only

Christina Lee pratt:

to claim the space, but to also there's a quality in in

Christina Lee pratt:

integrating a soul part that allows us to let go of stuff.

Christina Lee pratt:

And let go of parts of our story that are


needed to be

Christina Lee pratt:

known and witnessed and told, but not

Christina Lee pratt:

again, and again, and again. Right. And so there's a time

Christina Lee pratt:

that most of us should feel, I mean, should be able to feel is

Christina Lee pratt:

what I meant. Where we realize this story telling it now just

Christina Lee pratt:

keeps me in it. It's you know, I've owned it, I've spoken it,

Christina Lee pratt:

it's been witnessed, you know, it's done its job. Like you

Christina Lee pratt:

said, it's been the lesson that it needs to be, I need to stop

Christina Lee pratt:

telling it I need to move on I need to create new stories with

Christina Lee pratt:

my life. And so it also helps us be able to let go of the pieces

Christina Lee pratt:

that do need to be let go of and and crystallize the teaching and

Christina Lee pratt:

then go forward as a living expression of the teaching, not

Christina Lee pratt:

a living expression of repeating the old story. So that yes,

Christina Lee pratt:

please. Yes. So if you felt that way that that was a possibility

Christina Lee pratt:

intuitively, especially since didn't you recently go back to

Christina Lee pratt:


Anna Maydonova:

Yes. Yeah. September 2021.

Christina Lee pratt:

Yeah, but still, proximity is problematic.

Christina Lee pratt:

It, you know, and so if you're if you're feeling it, I would, I

Christina Lee pratt:

would definitely encourage you to at least get it checked out.

Christina Lee pratt:

Because even if it isn't your perpetrator, it could be another

Christina Lee pratt:

energy that has a similar pattern. That honestly, if if,

Christina Lee pratt:

if there's still a part that a lot that is like the mat, like

Christina Lee pratt:

the matching jigsaw puzzle piece for that kind of energy, if

Christina Lee pratt:

you're just walking through a busy airport somewhere, and that

Christina Lee pratt:

energy is present, it can notice its matching component, and

Christina Lee pratt:

connect, even if it's not your perpetrator, if it's a similar

Christina Lee pratt:

pattern. And that's the problem with this energy is, it's so

Christina Lee pratt:

personal, because it's our trauma. And I don't want to

Christina Lee pratt:

diminish that at all. It's also patterns, which aren't personal,

Christina Lee pratt:

right? It's just I hold pattern A and it fits together with

Christina Lee pratt:

pattern B. And so whenever I'm moving through space, in my

Christina Lee pratt:

life, pattern B gets attracted whether I want it to or not. So

Christina Lee pratt:

I need to change that I have pattern a basically, I don't

Christina Lee pratt:

want to be attracted to that anymore. So I would get it

Christina Lee pratt:

checked out. Definitely.

Anna Maydonova:

Thanks, Christina, you know what I

Anna Maydonova:

forgot to mention that after even one session of solid

Anna Maydonova:

training, I felt so much energy, my, my husband noticed the

Anna Maydonova:

change straightaway, like instantly. And I will keep check

Anna Maydonova:

checking my energy because I did feel a little bit worrying when

Anna Maydonova:

I was going back to my hometown and knowing that I have to face

Anna Maydonova:

my perpetrator. But it it wasn't so such a strong feeling. So I

Anna Maydonova:

was just curious to know whether they there is still a link. But

Anna Maydonova:

I'm just wondering whether you had an experience with clients,

Anna Maydonova:

who didn't have such a tremendous and positive

Anna Maydonova:

experience with with soul retrieval. So what would you say

Anna Maydonova:

to those people? Isn't it? Because I assume it's not

Anna Maydonova:

happening in one hour, in one minute?

Christina Lee pratt:

Well, so Soul Retrieval is really

Christina Lee pratt:

interesting in the sense that if soul loss is the problem, and

Christina Lee pratt:

and the practitioner connects with the energy, and does a good

Christina Lee pratt:

job bringing it back, so that's a big gift. But let's assume the

Christina Lee pratt:

Soul Retrieval is done well, it's restored to your energy

Christina Lee pratt:

body, most people do have that experience you have because it's

Christina Lee pratt:

it is the missing piece, and all of a sudden, right. And after

Christina Lee pratt:

about two weeks, that changes, and then there's, there's more

Christina Lee pratt:

to be gained through an integration that happens over

Christina Lee pratt:

maybe the next six weeks. So it's about a two month period of

Christina Lee pratt:

continuing to work through things, some people experience

Christina Lee pratt:

the opposite. Where the soul part is returned. And they

Christina Lee pratt:

experience the problems that were going on when the soul part

Christina Lee pratt:

left immediately. And so there's an immediate return to the old

Christina Lee pratt:

problem. But it's important to realize you're not in the old

Christina Lee pratt:

problem anymore. Right? I mean, it might be something that

Christina Lee pratt:

happened when you were five, you're not five anymore. And so

Christina Lee pratt:

you really are you have become the adult who can be what those

Christina Lee pratt:

adults weren't at the time, right. And so, so parts don't

Christina Lee pratt:

come back when people can't be what they need to be for the

Christina Lee pratt:

part that's returning, assuming it's being done in a good way.

Christina Lee pratt:

Which goes back to the whole knowing when is it time to let

Christina Lee pratt:

go of things. So anyway, back to what I was saying is, it is

Christina Lee pratt:

often a sudden change. And then a need for this integration that

Christina Lee pratt:

follows after some people experienced that in reverse,

Christina Lee pratt:

where it's suddenly all the emotions are back that never got

Christina Lee pratt:

processed, and they need to move. I just encourage people to

Christina Lee pratt:

move to dance, make art, express those emotions and get to what's

Christina Lee pratt:

underneath it. And then it begins to be they get a

Christina Lee pratt:

connection to the energy. Some soul parts aren't so much about

Christina Lee pratt:

energy. They're about qualities that we knew we had, but we

Christina Lee pratt:

lost, you know, so different soul parts also have different

Christina Lee pratt:

energies that they're retrieving. So that's, that's

Christina Lee pratt:

also a difference. But your real question is, what about people

Christina Lee pratt:

that have had a soul retrieval and it didn't change anything?

Christina Lee pratt:

And I do get a lot of clients that say that to me, and I and I

Christina Lee pratt:

think, wow, I really want to appreciate your courage in

Christina Lee pratt:

trying again, because the first time it didn't help and they'll

Christina Lee pratt:

say something like, oh, yeah, well listen your podcasts and

Christina Lee pratt:

you talked me into it. So but anyway, what what what's

Christina Lee pratt:

happening is one of three things so in the mechanics of the soul

Christina Lee pratt:

lost soul retrieval. one of three things is happening, which

Christina Lee pratt:

is the first thing that's happening is they are working

Christina Lee pratt:

with a practitioner who isn't actually able to do the

Christina Lee pratt:

retrieval. They shouldn't be presenting themselves as someone

Christina Lee pratt:

who is able to do it. That is always a possibility today,

Christina Lee pratt:

because there are far too many people, particularly in the

Christina Lee pratt:

United States that are just going to do trainings and then

Christina Lee pratt:

hanging up a shingle, and there's no initiation, there's

Christina Lee pratt:

no connection to a larger cosmology that holds those

Christina Lee pratt:

teachings, none of the qualities of an indigenous culture that

Christina Lee pratt:

really hold that healing form in the whole system, it's meant to

Christina Lee pratt:

be held in our present, it's just an individual doing a

Christina Lee pratt:

technique. And I mean, even if we look at something like

Christina Lee pratt:

massage, right, I can feel the difference be some, between

Christina Lee pratt:

someone who's just doing a technique, massage, and someone

Christina Lee pratt:

who is allowing healing energy to move through them, and really

Christina Lee pratt:

listening to my body and moving intuitively, I mean, we all know

Christina Lee pratt:

the difference. And so I'm just gonna be honest, there are

Christina Lee pratt:

practitioners out there that are calling themselves shamans that

Christina Lee pratt:

just aren't doing a technique and they have no greater calling

Christina Lee pratt:

to the work. And traditionally, it would be a calling you would

Christina Lee pratt:

be brought to this work, because you have helping spirits that

Christina Lee pratt:

are saying, not just this is yours to do. But this is an

Christina Lee pratt:

expression of your purpose is a good vehicle for your purpose in

Christina Lee pratt:

this life. So learn how to do it and do it well. And stop

Christina Lee pratt:


Christina Lee pratt:

Well, mine had to say to me, like Stop complaining, we gave

Christina Lee pratt:

you an answer, and I'll deal with it. So that's a piece is

Christina Lee pratt:

you worked with a practitioner who did not actually retrieve a

Christina Lee pratt:

soul part. So it's not your fault that you don't feel

Christina Lee pratt:

anything different. It didn't really happen. Another thing is

Christina Lee pratt:

you are working with a practitioner, who is not a

Christina Lee pratt:

shaman who is doing something they are saying is like soul

Christina Lee pratt:

retrieval. And it isn't, it doesn't mean it's not a valid

Christina Lee pratt:

healing form. It's just not really bringing soul parts back

Christina Lee pratt:

because I get a lot of people that are really disappointed.

Christina Lee pratt:

Because their therapist told them this would be as good as

Christina Lee pratt:

like they're doing different, like rapid eye movement,

Christina Lee pratt:

different trauma therapy, things which are valid things to do.

Christina Lee pratt:

I'm not criticizing them and tell the practitioner says, oh,

Christina Lee pratt:

yeah, by the way, it'll bring your soul parts back to it's

Christina Lee pratt:

like, no, it doesn't. And so that's another problem is people

Christina Lee pratt:

being told they're getting a soul retrieval when they're not.

Christina Lee pratt:

All right, so with all that said, the other side of the coin

Christina Lee pratt:

is the soul part did come back. And a person was really

Christina Lee pratt:

resistant to the changes they needed to make to integrate with

Christina Lee pratt:

that part. Not everybody likes their soul parts, not also parts

Christina Lee pratt:

like the person. Why? Well, because of the adaptations,

Christina Lee pratt:

because people are afraid of their emotions. Because of the

Christina Lee pratt:

ramifications of the truth in their life, a lot of that, you

Christina Lee pratt:

know, there's, particularly with people that experience a certain

Christina Lee pratt:

amount of privilege and entitlement in life, there is a

Christina Lee pratt:

certain assumption that I should be able to change and get what I

Christina Lee pratt:

want in my life without having to change. Like, I want change

Christina Lee pratt:

in my life, I want it all without, you want to have to

Christina Lee pratt:

change, I don't want to have to do the work, the self discovery

Christina Lee pratt:

and the recognition that on part of the problem. Yeah, and

Christina Lee pratt:

they'll let that go. And so so that's another thing that can

Christina Lee pratt:

happen is that people sometimes receive soul parts back that

Christina Lee pratt:

they're really not ready to deal with the truth that returned

Christina Lee pratt:

with the soul parts. And sometimes it's that it's worse

Christina Lee pratt:

than you thought it was. Sometimes it's, it wasn't as bad

Christina Lee pratt:

as you thought it was. And that that is being like this whole

Christina Lee pratt:

story is being used as an excuse to not do XYZ in life. Now the

Christina Lee pratt:

soul parts back and it's like, let's do it. And you're like,

Christina Lee pratt:

Ah, wait, I just lost my excuse to not really show up in life,

Christina Lee pratt:

you know, not really risk. Right? And because, because when

Christina Lee pratt:

our whole soul is here, you want one thing other than being a

Christina Lee pratt:

good human, which is the foundation. What it wants is to

Christina Lee pratt:

do what it came here to do. And it's never been done before. So

Christina Lee pratt:

it's risky. It's always risky. But it wants the fulfillment of

Christina Lee pratt:

the expression of this soul's purpose, you know, this unique

Christina Lee pratt:

genius that is true only in this lifetime. No do overs, is it or

Christina Lee pratt:

it never happens. That's what the soul wants. So if all the

Christina Lee pratt:

soul parts are back, that's a really edgy life. It's risky.

Christina Lee pratt:

You know, you don't just get to sit back and your privilege and

Christina Lee pratt:

entitlement and be happy to actually do the deal. It's

Christina Lee pratt:


Anna Maydonova:

You know, what I've been avoiding looking back

Anna Maydonova:

and facing my traumas for 20 years. And I can tell you,

Anna Maydonova:

Christine, Christina, once I faced it, why Since, well, after

Anna Maydonova:

I've I've led my soul to come back. The whole life is just

Anna Maydonova:

started blossoming for me. Exactly unbelievable feeling.

Anna Maydonova:

And it feels, it feels like the real happiness came the

Anna Maydonova:

happiness of just being on this planet and serve people and help

Anna Maydonova:

people. And you know what else I've experienced, I've done so

Anna Maydonova:

many human beings. I did a past life regression. I remember for

Anna Maydonova:

hours, I was under the hypnosis, or I don't know how to explain

Anna Maydonova:

this thing. And I remember just, my Shaman was, was taking me

Anna Maydonova:

back into my past lives. And I remember seeing this huge black

Anna Maydonova:

funnel. And I was just falling like a leaf, slowly going down,

Anna Maydonova:

down, down. And then he will, he will tell me stop here. But you

Anna Maydonova:

see, and I said, I can't stop. And I would fall down. And he

Anna Maydonova:

would ask me again, stop here. And I, again, I just wouldn't be

Anna Maydonova:

able to stop. And then I literally landed on the bottom

Anna Maydonova:

of this funnel. And I saw myself as a cave woman, I'm not making

Anna Maydonova:

this up. It just my, my subconscious was doing this, I

Anna Maydonova:

wasn't controlling this process at all. And I wasn't making this

Anna Maydonova:

up. This is for sure. And I saw my hands like so clear, clearly.

Anna Maydonova:

And I realized that I'm a cave woman, because my, my palms were

Anna Maydonova:

bigger and hate much hairier, my feet, what might be going here,

Anna Maydonova:

and I was having some animal, you know, skin on my body. And I

Anna Maydonova:

remember, I couldn't see anyone, I run into my cave. And then I

Anna Maydonova:

knew something's gonna happen. And then I looked out, and I saw

Anna Maydonova:

a huge pterodactyl. Who See, sitting on the tree. And at this

Anna Maydonova:

point, I clearly remember thinking, or you're gonna kill

Anna Maydonova:

me, or I'm gonna kill you. And I knew, I have no one to help me.

Anna Maydonova:

And I think in those life, I told myself, there is no one to

Anna Maydonova:

help, you have to do everything, yourself. And I've been

Anna Maydonova:

following this for the whole my life. What do you think about

Anna Maydonova:

this? What are your thoughts about past life regression?

Christina Lee pratt:

And I think, you know, time is, time

Christina Lee pratt:

is weird. I mean, I don't we don't we we our mind only works

Christina Lee pratt:

if we sort of stay in linear time. And yet, much of our

Christina Lee pratt:

healing requires we leave linear time and go back in past lives

Christina Lee pratt:

and, and back in, you know, asking someone to go get a soul

Christina Lee pratt:

part that is from a different time in this life, I mean, we

Christina Lee pratt:

have to just deal with time, not always being linear. And so one

Christina Lee pratt:

of the things I feel about healing is that whatever you

Christina Lee pratt:

need in the moment, is genius when you get it. And so if the

Christina Lee pratt:

issue can be resolved through a process of reconciling some

Christina Lee pratt:

unresolved past lives, if that's what you're really stuck on, and

Christina Lee pratt:

that's what's causing the repeat of the pattern, it's absolutely

Christina Lee pratt:

essential to do it. If if something else was going on,

Christina Lee pratt:

it's not really going to help. And so that's part of the

Christina Lee pratt:

problem is people. In general, I'm not saying you did this. But

Christina Lee pratt:

in general, people find the things they're comfortable

Christina Lee pratt:

doing. And then they try to use those things to fix everything.

Christina Lee pratt:

But when so, so one of the ways that you can feel that it's a

Christina Lee pratt:

past life issue, for example. And that means it's an

Christina Lee pratt:

unresolved past life, because there's a whole lot of past

Christina Lee pratt:

lives that are just the sum total of who you are in this

Christina Lee pratt:

moment. And all of these gifts you came into this life with. So

Christina Lee pratt:

not every past life is an issue, but some are, because they're

Christina Lee pratt:

unreconciled. They're they're problematic in some way. And so

Christina Lee pratt:

and forgot where I was going with that. Oh, yeah, go ahead.

Anna Maydonova:

Let me ask you a question. How is our ancestors

Anna Maydonova:

past life unresolved history of abuse and trauma impacts our

Anna Maydonova:


Christina Lee pratt:

Yeah, but so these are all this is the

Christina Lee pratt:

important thing for people to understand is these are all

Christina Lee pratt:

three different things and they're all real. And so that's

Christina Lee pratt:

what I was saying is knowing getting a good day. notes have

Christina Lee pratt:

about what is going on. And having that happen is really

Christina Lee pratt:

valuable. Oh, I'm just gonna say what how, you know if it's past

Christina Lee pratt:

life anyway, okay, so we're on ancestors, we can come back to

Christina Lee pratt:

past lives. So past lives, or their own thing, right, they

Christina Lee pratt:

have to do with your own soul as you're moving through lifetimes.

Christina Lee pratt:

So are just conceiving of that as a way to think about things.

Christina Lee pratt:

Ancestral issues are different issues, because they are

Christina Lee pratt:

potentially different people, there are lots of souls involved

Christina Lee pratt:

in unresolved ancestral issues. And as much as I know, some

Christina Lee pratt:

people believe in systems that we always constellate with the

Christina Lee pratt:

same Pete same souls over and over and over again, in every

Christina Lee pratt:

lifetime. Human beings are way messier than that. Think it

Christina Lee pratt:

always works that way. All right. And the other thing that

Christina Lee pratt:

happened is people can receive a guide or a helping spirit would

Christina Lee pratt:

be what I would call it, but you know, some sort of guide or

Christina Lee pratt:

Spirit help, that says, I'm an ancestor, but they're not from

Christina Lee pratt:

your lineage, you know, like, how am I supposed to make sense

Christina Lee pratt:

out of that, you know, so that's another thing that happens. And

Christina Lee pratt:

so my sense out of that would be it is an ancestor from a life in

Christina Lee pratt:

which you incarnated as a Chinese person or something, you

Christina Lee pratt:

know, you incarnated outside of this particular gene pool. But

Christina Lee pratt:

you would have to incarnate in different gene pools, how would

Christina Lee pratt:

you learn stuff anyway, back to your so unresolved ancestral

Christina Lee pratt:

issues tend to wait, those issues in our life, so they

Christina Lee pratt:

weigh more heavily on us, and tend to bias our perspective

Christina Lee pratt:

about life, our perspective about ourselves and our

Christina Lee pratt:

potential. And they tend through that bias, to get us to make a

Christina Lee pratt:

contemporary version of the same choices in the same pattern. So

Christina Lee pratt:

unresolved ancestral issues are extremely problematic right now.

Christina Lee pratt:

And unresolved family trauma may or may not propagate the same

Christina Lee pratt:

trauma, but it propagates problems for the living, we

Christina Lee pratt:

don't we end up not really having kind of a clean slate to

Christina Lee pratt:

write our life on, we end up with a biased bias perspectives.

Christina Lee pratt:

I do a lot of ancestral healing, in addition to Soul Retrieval

Christina Lee pratt:

work. And then past lives do show up in all of these

Christina Lee pratt:

different things that I do. So these are all things that that I

Christina Lee pratt:

work with, but what I try to train people to do as students,

Christina Lee pratt:

but then also with the small groups of people that I teach,

Christina Lee pratt:

to do healing work, the way I do is diagnose what you're working

Christina Lee pratt:

on, because they all feel like parts of ourselves. But just

Christina Lee pratt:

because it's a part of our self doesn't mean it's the same kind

Christina Lee pratt:

of part of ourselves. So there's that issue. And so really

Christina Lee pratt:

understanding what happens and with like a big

Christina Lee pratt:

a big family pattern, can create trauma that creates soul loss.

Christina Lee pratt:

But there's also the ancestral issue. And then in the midst of

Christina Lee pratt:

all of that can create some really shadowy things that we do

Christina Lee pratt:

as well, as well as a whole bunch of personal fragmentation.

Christina Lee pratt:

So one problematic ancestral pattern can generate a whole lot

Christina Lee pratt:

of different fragmentations as we as a kid tried to struggle

Christina Lee pratt:

with an issue nobody's talking about, because that's the other

Christina Lee pratt:

thing. I mean, I'm sure you know this, and anyone who's

Christina Lee pratt:

experienced trauma, half the issue is you've had this

Christina Lee pratt:

experience, no one will talk. No one acknowledges it, or they

Christina Lee pratt:

gaslight you and tell you something else was going on. But

Christina Lee pratt:

as kids, we feel this miasma of this unresolved ancestral

Christina Lee pratt:

energy. And if it's, it's feels attacking. Because what it's

Christina Lee pratt:

doing is it's looking for lifeforce to create change, it

Christina Lee pratt:

wants out, it wants freedom from being stuck in what it is, but

Christina Lee pratt:

it can only get that through the living. And so it tends to kind

Christina Lee pratt:

of cannibalize our life, not because it's evil or bad, but

Christina Lee pratt:

because it wants an opportunity for somebody to make a new

Christina Lee pratt:

decision. But we're so biased by it, we don't make a new

Christina Lee pratt:

decision, we make a new version of the same old decision. So

Christina Lee pratt:

it's a mess. It's really a mess right now. And we can see just a

Christina Lee pratt:

little tiny context with the war in the Ukraine, with all of the

Christina Lee pratt:

stuff that's going on in our world right now in the United

Christina Lee pratt:

States is such a mess right now. So much of this is rooted in

Christina Lee pratt:

ancestral issues. And so I offer a whole arc of how to begin to

Christina Lee pratt:

deal with your ancestors from the absolute most basic What do

Christina Lee pratt:

I do when I don't even know who my ancestors are? Which is not

Christina Lee pratt:

an untypical American thing to experience or what do I do if I

Christina Lee pratt:

don't like my relations? I don't want to have anything to do with

Christina Lee pratt:

them. That's pretty common, all the way through learning to

Christina Lee pratt:

transform those patterns I was just talking about. And then the

Christina Lee pratt:

third part of that for people that learn all those skills, is

Christina Lee pratt:

how do we work together as a collective with the skills to

Christina Lee pratt:

change social issues, you know, systematic patterns of abuse and

Christina Lee pratt:

injustice. And in so we're just learning how to do all those

Christina Lee pratt:

things not to totally hijack the show. But, but that is a real

Christina Lee pratt:

issue. It's a big thing. And and they tend to get conflated

Christina Lee pratt:

because it's similar patterns, you know. So different patterns

Christina Lee pratt:

of abuse that are getting handed down through the family line,

Christina Lee pratt:

then hit this generation, and some people are able to respond

Christina Lee pratt:

to it and say no, and other people in the family kind of

Christina Lee pratt:

cave into it, and then become the next generations expression

Christina Lee pratt:

of that pattern. And then the young are angry at everybody,

Christina Lee pratt:

because they're handing the stuff on to them. And so we

Christina Lee pratt:

don't understand, you know, why are teenagers are so angry right

Christina Lee pratt:

now? Well, look at the world we're handing to them. There's

Christina Lee pratt:

all this baggage we're handing to them, you know? Yeah, so it's

Christina Lee pratt:

kind of a mess. You know,

Anna Maydonova:

this is a gold nugget. Honestly, Christina,

Anna Maydonova:

because I had a guest on my podcast, Vanessa Reuters. She

Anna Maydonova:

mentioned that our trauma takes 14 generations to two to repair,

Anna Maydonova:

and my Peeth one repair for the whole life. So I think it takes

Anna Maydonova:

like seven past life and seven new lives. What I was trying to

Anna Maydonova:

say that, don't educate your kids, educate yourself. Because

Anna Maydonova:

that's, that's how you passing Christina, and Hunter you? What

Anna Maydonova:

tools do you have? What tools do you use for people to help them

Anna Maydonova:

with healing?

Christina Lee pratt:

So one of the interests is a really good

Christina Lee pratt:

question, because we're the first thing I experienced a

Christina Lee pratt:

brand new practitioner, this is now over 30 years ago, is I'm

Christina Lee pratt:

doing Soul Retrieval work with people and in an extraction of

Christina Lee pratt:

those invasive energies over time. So I'm doing that work

Christina Lee pratt:

with people, and mostly handing them back to their own support

Christina Lee pratt:

network, because I was working at the time with a lot of

Christina Lee pratt:

therapists that were interested in collaborating with their

Christina Lee pratt:

people. So they would send me people, I do one session with

Christina Lee pratt:

them and send them back, and they would integrate the work

Christina Lee pratt:

with their therapist. It's a wonderful setup. So what

Christina Lee pratt:

happened though, is the more people received soul parts back

Christina Lee pratt:

and grew healthier internally, they had no skills to be healthy

Christina Lee pratt:

externally, yet, they didn't have any new communication

Christina Lee pratt:

skills, they didn't know how to manage their energy body and be

Christina Lee pratt:

grounded and have boundaries, you know, there was just all of

Christina Lee pratt:

this lack of education for how to be in the world as a healthy

Christina Lee pratt:

person. And so I started teaching classes, to help people

Christina Lee pratt:

learn how to do that. And mostly, I just took what I

Christina Lee pratt:

learned and taught them how to do that. And then the other

Christina Lee pratt:

thing that was happening while this was happening, which I

Christina Lee pratt:

won't go too much into, but I was also receiving this whole

Christina Lee pratt:

system of teachings with its own cosmology. And so for people

Christina Lee pratt:

that want this big overhaul answer to this whole question

Christina Lee pratt:

you're asking, they do this four year training. But most people

Christina Lee pratt:

don't have the time to do that, these days. And it's hard,

Christina Lee pratt:

almost people don't want to. And so right here, kind of in the in

Christina Lee pratt:

the belly of the beast, which is a person who has experienced

Christina Lee pratt:

trauma is in recovery, wants some additional skills to

Christina Lee pratt:

whatever they have. So what we offer is healing services. So we

Christina Lee pratt:

offer people to do Soul Retrieval work potentially, to

Christina Lee pratt:

do extraction work, essentially, to help you get back the energy

Christina Lee pratt:

that's yours, and get it back in your energy body where it

Christina Lee pratt:

belongs, and get out the energy that's not yours, and put it

Christina Lee pratt:

back wherever it belongs, or do whatever needs to be done with

Christina Lee pratt:

it. But the idea is to at least get you in one place where you

Christina Lee pratt:

belong. So that's the healing services that are offered. But

Christina Lee pratt:

we also have online classes. And there's three arcs of online

Christina Lee pratt:

classes. But the main arc for just anybody doesn't require

Christina Lee pratt:

shamanism. The main art for any body is those is based on those

Christina Lee pratt:

life skills classes I was talking about in the beginning,

Christina Lee pratt:

which is how do you maintain yourself so that you can be a

Christina Lee pratt:

healthy person in a world that in many environments you're in

Christina Lee pratt:

isn't healthy? In many relationships, you'll be in

Christina Lee pratt:

their very, at least dysfunctional, if not

Christina Lee pratt:

potentially abusive? How do you navigate an environment that

Christina Lee pratt:

isn't? Well, potentially, alright, and then how do you

Christina Lee pratt:

gain the skills with others to create real connection and begin

Christina Lee pratt:

to rebuild community in your life, build family in a new way?

Christina Lee pratt:

You know, like you were saying, based on the education you've

Christina Lee pratt:

given yourself, how do you build new relationships and new

Christina Lee pratt:

community that doesn't end up just falling apart? See the way

Christina Lee pratt:

so much does in in our world. And so there's an arc of 377

Christina Lee pratt:

week classes that are progressive, that build from the

Christina Lee pratt:

energy body skills to that looking at those internal

Christina Lee pratt:

selves. And understanding which which of those internal selves I

Christina Lee pratt:

can integrate with? And which are those internal selves I need

Christina Lee pratt:

help with back to that diagnostic piece? Is it a sole

Christina Lee pratt:

part? Is it ancestral? Is it a shadow energy? Or can I clear

Christina Lee pratt:

this myself? Can I work on this myself, so there's that that

Christina Lee pratt:

piece is like, life skills for everybody. Then there's like an

Christina Lee pratt:

another level of learning a little bit more complex, not

Christina Lee pratt:

complex, more strategic clearing skills, and then the next level

Christina Lee pratt:

is even more strategic. But they're all built on each other.

Christina Lee pratt:

And so that just helps people? How do I live in a healthy in

Christina Lee pratt:

the world? How do I integrate these aspects of myself that

Christina Lee pratt:

come back? Whether it's a soul part, or, or just had a big, you

Christina Lee pratt:

know, Ayahuasca experience, I don't even know what happened,

Christina Lee pratt:

how do I integrate that? So it's giving people those internal

Christina Lee pratt:

skills to do that? How do I notice if there's an energy

Christina Lee pratt:

that's invasive? And recognize I actually need help with this? Or

Christina Lee pratt:

I can just put on the boots and kick them out in a hole? Like,

Christina Lee pratt:

what is it that ability to understand? Can I do this

Christina Lee pratt:

myself? Is this in my skill set?

Christina Lee pratt:

B. Let me say that a little more clearly, can I do this myself,

Christina Lee pratt:

because I am the sovereign in my own body, I make the rules.

Christina Lee pratt:

Nobody else gets to be here. And nobody else should be here.

Christina Lee pratt:

Like, every person should be able, and I say should, in the

Christina Lee pratt:

sense of we need to give them the skills to be able to be the

Christina Lee pratt:

person in the driver's seat of their own life and

Anna Maydonova:

to heal ourselves. Yeah. So because

Anna Maydonova:


Christina Lee pratt:

so much only we can do. And we need to

Christina Lee pratt:

know when to ask for help. And that being able to feel

Christina Lee pratt:

confident in that. Alright, this is mine to do. I don't want to

Christina Lee pratt:

do it. But okay, I know how to do it, right? And then you do

Christina Lee pratt:

it. And then it's better. And then you go, you know what, this

Christina Lee pratt:

isn't mine to do. I can't do this myself, I need to ask for

Christina Lee pratt:

help. I need to ask for help from this kind of practitioner,

Christina Lee pratt:

knowing that is also really helpful in our process, because

Christina Lee pratt:

it's not either or. It's both. And there's a lot of sort of New

Christina Lee pratt:

Age Oh, you can do it all yourself and psych. No,

Christina Lee pratt:

actually, that's never been the way humans were in healthy

Christina Lee pratt:

cultures, people helped each other. And yet, in that

Christina Lee pratt:

sovereignty place, yes, you're right. You are the only person

Christina Lee pratt:

who can do that. Bottom line is you're the one who has to say

Christina Lee pratt:

yes or no. Yes. And the problem with childhood is we're not

Christina Lee pratt:

there yet. We're kids. Right? Yeah. So so yeah. So basically

Christina Lee pratt:

teaching people a lot of skills to do their own work and where

Christina Lee pratt:

we need help training people to to be available as practitioners

Christina Lee pratt:

to help people in that way.

Anna Maydonova:

For those who want this help, where people can

Anna Maydonova:

find you.

Christina Lee pratt:

Yeah, okay, so my, I can be reached at last

Christina Lee pratt:

mask center, las TMS, que los mas center.org. And you can find

Christina Lee pratt:

online classes there, you can connect to me through that

Christina Lee pratt:

website to get sessions. You can also get referred to other

Christina Lee pratt:

people. If you don't like to wait to get a session with me. I

Christina Lee pratt:

have a short list of people that I've trained that do healing

Christina Lee pratt:

work very much like I do. Let's see, though, and then there's

Christina Lee pratt:

also a huge archive of podcasts. I have over 500 hours of

Christina Lee pratt:

podcasts that are free for people to listen to at why

Christina Lee pratt:

shamanism. now.com And so sometimes you can find the

Christina Lee pratt:

answer you're looking for there. It's a bit of a deep dive. That

Christina Lee pratt:

that's a lot of hours, right. But um, but there's a lot of

Christina Lee pratt:

information there to support people and exactly what you're

Christina Lee pratt:

talking about. How do I understand how to do this

Christina Lee pratt:

differently in my life, because it is mine to do but I don't

Christina Lee pratt:

know how to do it. Right. That's what that podcast was mostly

Christina Lee pratt:


Anna Maydonova:

Yeah. It's an amazing podcast, and there's so

Anna Maydonova:

much value. Christina, thank you so much. Before we go, do you

Anna Maydonova:

have any concluding thoughts?

Christina Lee pratt:

First is just to thank you. Thank you for

Christina Lee pratt:

walking your path for offering this place as a resource for

Christina Lee pratt:

people to do the work they need to do around their own life

Christina Lee pratt:

experience because we humanity that big way. We need your

Christina Lee pratt:

gifts. We need yours. We need every the only way we're going

Christina Lee pratt:

to do this together. And we need to do it as people that have

Christina Lee pratt:

learned how to bring their own unique gifts out and so I thank

Christina Lee pratt:

you for the role that you're you're Playing in helping people

Christina Lee pratt:

to do that is a hard way to learn to experience trauma. But

Christina Lee pratt:

if we can turn it into that gold, you were talking about

Christina Lee pratt:

turning it into that way that I still find my way to my purpose

Christina Lee pratt:

to who I am and to bring my gifts to the world then, so be

Christina Lee pratt:


Anna Maydonova:

to your superpower. Ladies and

Anna Maydonova:

gentlemen, Christina Lee Pratt. Thank you for being here. I know

Anna Maydonova:

it's not easy, but there is a part of you, who is ready to

Anna Maydonova:

take this journey all the way. And I can help. Reach out to me

Anna Maydonova:

directly at ena at nma. The nova.com to get to work. You can

Anna Maydonova:

also connect with me on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn,

Anna Maydonova:

for more healing stories and magic. This journey is

Anna Maydonova:

impossible to do on your own. So make sure to like, subscribe,

Anna Maydonova:

and review the podcast so we can help more people like you. If

Anna Maydonova:

you have someone in your life who is struggling to overcome

Anna Maydonova:

their trauma, this is something you can give them that truly can

Anna Maydonova:

change the course of their life forever. We'll see you next time

Anna Maydonova:

for another episode of the world's best Trauma Recovery

Anna Maydonova:

podcast. And just remember, you are able to help yourself and

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